Here it is, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me you...

by chapstick 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    Me, I'm not gonna let them get away with it...

    Good for you. Go and claim your $50 000 000 and let us know how you get on.

    I managed 9 minutes of the video. Sounded like the sort of rambling drunk that you can't get away from.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    rofl. you do believe that shit, don'tcha?

  • jgnat

    I'm over fifty. I don't get suckered in to this sort of stuff.


    If you are over 50 your Vatican Registered Birth Bond ( Birth Certificate) is worth over $50,000,000 on the world bond market

    and your name is traded daily as a commodity.

    Where do I get my money?!..I could use 50 million dollars right now..

    I need a new truck,house improvements,some Cat litter..

    A huge Bucket of KFC and a Truckload of Beer..

    .......................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • chapstick

    Everyone, Please feel free to live free in the free country and its magnanimous way of expressing its gratitude to you its, its willing benefactors. I personally don't give a damn if you laugh it off or not, no sweat off my back. As we speak I actually enjoy the new benefit of no taxes, growing herbs in my bedroom without reprisal and the bank paying my mortgage and utilities. I don't need $50,000,000 cofty, I'm wealthy. I made a promise that I would tell as many about this path to freedom, independence and the real truth as I could and I keep my promises. All of you history professors and Einsteins were supposidly looking for the same thing in your own psychotic journey or involvement with the WTS. Strange how some people want the sum of all truth wrapped up in a neat 15min package. You get nothin for free. Here's the way, take it or leave it...

  • Oubliette

    Besides the fact that Mr. Bonacci has possibly the worst haircut ever, he also rambles like a paranoid fool.

    Here's a telling quote from his website:

    • For over 30 years, Santos Bonacci has been researching the ancient works, compiling and translating them into more accessible terms in his study of AstroTheology

    AstroTheology. OK then.

    He's just another nutjob claiming to be the only one that knows "universal truth." But fortunately he'll share it with us, ... for a price.

    Been there, done that. 'nuf said!

  • CyrusThePersian
    Do a little research Cyrus

    No, I will not. When someone makes a presentation, I expect the presenter to do the research, not me.


  • Oubliette

    Santos Bonacci: "The sine wave explains 99.9% of everything in the universe."

    Um, yeah. I don't think so.

    Sine wave

    What does a sine wave tell me about the gravitational constant? Can it explain photosynthesis?

    How does it relate to the rock cycle? Can it answer my questions about ionic and covalent bonds?

    Can it tell me where to get the best Chinese take out?



    I`m looking for a Birth Certificate Broker..

    Not one can be found!..

    I`ll let mine go for 50% off..Thats a friggin Fire Sale price..

    $25,000,000.00 to the 1st person that comes up with the cash..

    You can`t beat a deal like that! ..

    If your Canadian I`ll toss in a Tim Hortons Gift certificate..


    ...."It`s always fresh at Tim Hortons!".


    ........................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • jgnat

    World population is heading towards a parabolic curve. It would not go sine, as there's no such thing as less than zero people.

    World Population

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