That's exactly right outlaw. My mortgage (theirs in reality), utilities (already mine through inheritance). Taxes? Pre-paid by my parents and grandparents just like yours. MY house, I OWN it. Look on YOUR mortgage. You're a tennant, a renter and the bank is the owner. For me and others the bank is forced to perform its original purpose as distribution agent for my Birth Bond instead of stealing it first and then making me pay for it again like yourself. If you think for one minute I'm going to hold your hand, lead you and provide allthe answers in a neat little package you are deluded . How did I manage it? I did my own research and I listened instead of laughing my ass off like the bitch dog you display. Your own key has already been provided by the labor and sweat of your parents and ancestors and left under the trustee-ship of the criminal and religious corporate empire that you and the other citizens (look up what a citizen is) support and even praise. Bottom line, the religious part of the empire that you spend so much time bitching and laughing about owns your literal ass and you own nothing. You can say "nobody owns me". I'll bet there were thousands of slaves here in the US who said the same thing in the 18th and 19th century. Didn't change reality. You are literally, physically and legally a slave, albeit a pampered house slave but a slave no less. You financially and otherwise support a business owned by the Vatican and Crown for the profit of a few oligarchs who have been stealing the assets of the planet for centuries. Keep on laughing and enjoying your masters "priviledges" and "services" the company provides for you. All I have done is point out the direction, I wont do it for you. If you don't want it I could care less...