Earthly Organization Reset - What Would You Do?

by committeechairman 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • committeechairman

    I've been reading and posting comments on this site for a while now (about a year) and the comments I see indicate that many who are here have good ideas about what would be required if either (1) Jehovah's Witnesses were completely reset and the whole framework of belief and organization were started over or (2) if a completely new organization were built. This assumes, of course, that you believe God exists and that he is interested in human affairs (I know some of you don't). It also assumes that you do not believe that the "heritage" of Jehovah's Witnesses has such great weight and importance that it precludes putting all beliefs and procedures on the table to examine them and change them if necessary.

    Given all this, what do you believe should be the beliefs and organization of true worship today? Should it be highly organized and centralized, loosely associated, or not organized at all with individuals handling their own worship? What beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses today seem unscriptural to you and really should be changed, and why do you think so?

    I'm looking forward to the discussion. This is my first new thread for initiation of a new discussion.

  • EdenOne

    Marked for later

  • tornapart

    How I believe it should be.

    Loosely organised with congregations being autonomous. No rigidity in either beliefs or purpose. The unity should be love based and not works based. No heirachy. All are merely brothers with only Christ as Master.

    No one should be penalised or castigated for having different views. Elders should have far less to do, the red tape should be got rid of and brothers and sisters should be free to live their lives as they wish, according to their own bible based consciences. Elders should be there to be real shepherds, looking after the physical needs of the sick, elderly and destitute. Spritual needs should be cared for in a non legalistic way.

    Unscriptural beliefs as far as I see it:-

    Jesus is mediator of ALL and not of only 144,000.

    Great Crowd are a heavenly group (all christians)

    Emblems are to be partaken of by ALL christians

    8 billion people are NOT going to die at Armageddon. It will not be only JWs who are saved.

    The 'other sheep' are gentiles. The little flock are 1stC christian jews.

    Baptism questions are totally wrong now.

    Jesus became king in 33CE and not 1914

    When he comes again it will be visible and not invisible

    Overlapping generation is a farce

    607 BCE is totally wrong.

    The 'faithful and discreet slave' is a parable and not a prophecy. (Just like the slaves with the talents)

    No single group of brothers should be above their other brothers.

    There are many other things I think should be changed. However, I can't see it ever happening!

  • committeechairman

    One more question - what about reports and reporting? Done away with or retained and simplified?

  • tornapart

    Definitely to be done away with. All it's for is control. I don't do much FS so I am 'spirtually weak'. They want to guilt trip the brothers into doing more, more, more... at the risk of their mental, emotional and spiritual health. Too many are burning out because of it.

    Where's the love of God and fellow man in it? It's all about numbers, guilt, self-righteousness, duty, obligation and fear.

    Doesn't the bible say 'Love throws fear outside' ? If FS was done with a heart full of love there is no need for time slips!

  • caroline77

    If everyone was equal there would be no reason for reporting. Who would you report to?

    Any money collected should be for the group who collected it, to pay heating bills of the room they meet in, etc. Collections could be done for disaster victims etc seperately.

  • EndofMysteries

    marking to reply to later

  • notsurewheretogo

    How I see it...

    1) Discover proof of a god/diety....

    2) Find out what He/She wants....

    Until the first step is done there is no point in going onto step 2 or any further step...

    I'm still waiting for the first step...

  • AlphaMan

    I would have 12 Governing Body members, just like the 12 Apostles.

  • leaving_quietly

    There's plenty of unscriptural beliefs and practices.

    What is unscriptural

    Shunning in totality

    What it should be

    Shunning only applies to the antichrist, who teaches that Christ did not come in the flesh. (2 John 7-10)

    What is unscriptural

    Everyone must preach and teach.

    What it should be

    Teaching is a gift of the spirit. Those who have that gift should use it. (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12:27-31; James 3:1)

    What is unscriptural

    Qualifying for baptism via a long series of study sessions and going over a bunch of questions

    What is should be

    When someone's belief and faith is strong enough and they have the proper desire to be baptized, who should say they are not qualified? The Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized immediately. (Acts 8:35,36) The jailer and his household were baptized that very hour of that very night. (Acts 16:30-33) Cornelius and his family were baptized once they received holy spirit (Acts 10:34-38).

    What is unscriptural

    Not baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These words aren't even uttered during the baptism talk or actual baptism.

    What it should be

    Get rid of the whole identifying with an organization bit. Do it right. (Matt 28:19,20; 1 Cor 1:12,13)

    What is unscriptural

    Unbaptized publishers

    What it should be

    Anyone wanting to preach the good news can and should do so. (Luke 9:49,50)

    What is unscriptural

    Saying that one must become part of the organization to be saved

    What it should be

    Jesus said, several times, "come to me". (John 5:40; John 6:37; John 6:44; John 7:37)

    What is unscriptural

    Saying that only a small group should partake

    What it should be

    Everyone who follows Christ should partake. (John 6:53-59)

    What is unscriptural

    2,520 years prophecy leading to 1914

    What it should be

    Can't answer this. The 2,520 years prophecy is made up, insisting that Daniel 4 must have a secondary fulfillment when Daniel himself says the vision is fulfilled in Nebuchadnezzar.

    There are so many more things... this is just off the top of my head.

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