What a very odd question. The only solution is an Anarchist one - tear it all down and don't replace any of it, at all and leave the freed minds to do some self-exploration. It is scary that you guys think the model can be improved on. It is organised religion which is the problem - the WBTS/Witnesses are just an extreme control version of organised religion.
Earthly Organization Reset - What Would You Do?
by committeechairman 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So, Frazzled, do you think that all organized religion eventually goes the wrong direction and starts to hurt people instead of helping them?
You can spray paint a turd with glitter, but it is still a turd. If you want a "christian" church, there are over two thousand different ones, go choose one.
Just flush the turd down the pan.
Frazzled UBM
Some religious values and ethics are beneficial to individuals and society (love thy neighbour) but religious affiliation (in creating and reinforcing conflict) and religious doctrine and organisations can be detrimental - for example I think the Catholic legacy on the Philippines is extremely detrimental.
committeechairman, Interesting questions!
First thing you have to do is change your JWN username! ... lol
With that name, you've already appointed yourself head of this new religion and things are set to go no where but downhill from here.
Ray Franz made an interesting comment in one of this books, I think it was ISoCF. I wish I had saved the quote. He said something to the effect (I'm paraphrasing):
"It happens with depressing regularity throughout our history. Some few idealistic individuals, dissatisfied with the hypocrisy and corruption of their present religion start anew. The are going to have a clean, pure form of worship undefiled by all that is wrong with their former religion. But alas, it always turns out that the new religion becomes as bad or worse than the one it replaced."
Identifiable reporting should be done away with. (Matt 6:3,4; Rom 14:12)
Each congregation could track how many of each book / brochure / magazine / tract ordered, and how many placed. It should be, however, completely anonymous. The field service report should eliminate the Name, Hours, RVs and Bible Studies fields. These are not useful in supporting the printing activity. If someone didn't place anything, then no report should be required.
If exceptional experiences are had, then it would be appropriate to, if desired, write those in on a monthly report. After all, exception experiences were recorded in the scriptures. (e.g. Cornelius, the jailer, the Ethiopian Eunuch). But none should be required.
Personally, I think printing should be done away with. There are more books, magazines, brochures, tracts printed that cover nearly every possible subject. There really is no need for further articles to be written. Older ones could be reused. (Eccl 12:12)
I think to re-adjust would be first to grow up to be mature christians & let folks be accountable to themselves. Keeping the congregation clean, NO CAN DO, it has to start at the top, crap usually starts at the top & trickles down. Get rid of the DF'ing, it's ok to talk to someone about some of the choices in their life but in the end that person will have to carry their own load, all an Elder can do is advise, not judge. Get rid of some of the doctrine that they interpreted not what the bible says, literally. If one wants to leave, let them. Get rid of most of the rules & regulations, that are man-made. Stick to the bible, they try but they go off track at times..trying to run folks life & minds. No more demo's, no more reporting hours, if you do, just make it annonymous. Visit other churches to see what's new. The witnesses have changed so maybe other places of worship have changed as well. What I'm seeing in these churches is motivational speaking. No hell & damnation, they appeal to your conscience, we all know the difference between right & wrong, it's just sometimes we do what we want then suffer the outcome. Stop saying The Society is God's Org., that will be good to start off with, because that is the real badge of honor for the witnesses, not the doctrine, that they are God's chosen. The Society could change & believe in the trinity, & them folks wouldn't bat an eye, as long as this is God's channel, that's what drives them.
Should it be highly organized and centralized, loosely associated, or not organized at all with individuals handling their own worship?
Loosely associated, with members free to come and go with no repercussions. Ref. Becoming Human by Jean Vanier
What beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses today seem unscriptural to you and really should be changed, and why do you think so?
Jehovah God does not work through one organization. (Luke 9:49-50)
Study to conversion may be accomplished in one conversation, not months. (Acts 8:36)
Proselytizing is not the noblest occupation. People may be satisifed and pleasing to God, by doing what they are most suited to do. This includes the ministry of helps. (Proverbs 22:29, Ecclesiates 9:10, Matthew 25:43-45, Romans 12:4-11)
Stop shooting your wounded (disfellowshipping, shunning) (Luke 15:1-7)
Open and public Judicial meetings in front of the entire congregation. The congregation votes on the outcome. (Matthew 18:15-16, Acts 5:1-11)
Women welcomed in to leadership (Romans 16:3 and others)
Support married couples to achieve the highest in love, companionship, and loyalty so that they can achieve Christ's ideal. Stop punishing the failures and allow people to go on their way. (Matthew 5:31-32)
Adult baptism. (Matthew 3:13-17)
Charity works. (Acts 6)
Given all this, what do you believe should be the beliefs and organization of true worship today?
where do i start?
change doctrines
only one class, whether heavenly or earthly, all partake if baptised.
disfellowshiping ok for truly unrepentant. shunning only for those that deny the christ.
revamp meetings sunday should be refreshing not studious- 2 half hour talks one outline from the branch the other up to local elders discretion.
midweek informative-actual bible study and watchtower lesson.
admit all past mistakes and reboot! more emphasis on love and christ and charitable works
OH, yes, universal partaking, "do this in rememberance of me" (Luke 22:19)
And an annual foot-washing ceremony, elders to the rest of the congregation. (John 13:1-17)