Why should anyone care if they pass on their genes?
bohm, your answer is inadequate and illogical
by shadow 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Why should anyone care if they pass on their genes?
bohm, your answer is inadequate and illogical
shadow: morals for an athiest can not come from a higher source, so in reality each person can decide what is moral or not. but it cant be tested . if one says homosexual relations are okay, and one says sex before marraige is okay. where does one draw the line? is it okay to cheat on ones mate? who decides? does each person decides?
USR said-
shadow: morals for an athiest can not come from a higher source, so in reality each person can decide what is moral or not. but it cant be tested
Have you never heard of secular laws, then?
If there were no internal other moral restraints (and there ARE), then Federal prison is a pretty-strong deterrent to keep people from trying to determine morality as a DIY experiment.
Shadow there have been lots of threads on this subject, might be time to learn how to use the "search" facility on this site.
Herding animals like humans are afforded protection by the group. If you are removed from the group because you have undermined the group dynamics your ability to survive and mate will be severely impeded. These dynamics become rules which in time create what you call morality. So morals are initially based on selfish motivations, they become hard wired and a fundamental aspect of accepted behaviour.
Read some books on evolutionary psychology - much better than ridiculous "holy" books.
Evolution is descriptive not prescriptive.
If belief in a deity is all that makes you moral you have some serious issues.
Cantleave said-
Shadow there have been lots of threads on this subject, might be time to learn how to use the "search" facility on this site.....Read some books on evolutionary psychology - much better than ridiculous "holy" books.
Believe us, Shadow: although your personal sense of narcissism may suggest to you otherwise, you're not the first person to lose their belief in God and have to consider the possibility of having to sort thru moral issues under your own power (which is exactly what humans have had to do for millenia, anyway, since that's exactly what the Bible has allowed them to do)....
Shadow: Why should anyone care if they pass on their genes?
Already answered this.
Shadow: bohm, your answer is inadequate and illogical
I have given an account for morality; feel free to assert you find it illogical an inadaquate, but without a proper argument I do not see why i should take those feelings of your serious.
cantleave: there have been lots of threads on just about any topic you care to name. Might as well shut down the forum.
A human is an individual, not a group. The human herd is not homogenous, so morality on one continent does not translate to morality on another. The Nazi herd was okay with killing Jews. If they had won the war it would have stayed moral. Was burning widow in India moral until law passed against it? What happened to the hard wiring? Maybe some short circuits?
cofty: What makes you moral and how do you determine what is or isn't?
adamah: I have not lost faith in God and thus have a basis for morality which is absent for the disciple of evolution
adam: laws change from country to country. so which is correct.
cofty: What makes you moral and how do you determine what is or isn't? - Shadow
Morality is nothing more than our thinking about how our actions effect the flourishing of conscious creatures.
For example, Unstop says homosexuality is wrong because he has an ancient book that says so.
Rational people ask whether anybody is harmed by consenting gay relationships and conclude that the reverse is true.
Religious ethics confuse objective with arbitrary.