Wasn't it John on the island of Patmos that came out with that spewing lukewarm water?
I think my faith might be returning. Feeling very confused.
by jambon1 95 Replies latest jw friends
jgnat said-
Wasn't it John on the island of Patmos that came out with that spewing lukewarm water?
Yeah, the authorship of the book of Revelation is in question, but regardless, the passage commences at Revelation 3:14 and supposedly was a message from Jesus in heaven to the Laodicean congregation.
Revelation 3:
14 “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation. 15 “ ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
Per Jesus, you gotta be all-in or all-out: he detests wishy-washy fence-sitters.
Band on the Run
You are very rude to me. I will not tolerate it. There is no point in leaving the KH to come here and have you berate me. So I will completely ignore you. There is no excuse for your behavior. I have been a member of this forum for quite a while now. There has been robust debate. No, you will not pick on me. My choices are my choices. I owe you explanation. Your rants detract from your championship of atheism and whatever else. It is revealing b/c I believe in evolution.
Civility is important. It is your view or nothing. Well, perhaps in your limted little mind.
I had one nutty believer attack me and now I have an atheist attack me. Bad behavior is bad behavior.
Cofty said- Many people seem to abandon critical thinking once they leave the cult.
Heck, I'd say it's even worse than that, since just because someone gets kicked out of the JWs doesn't mean they're handed critical thinking skills as a "parting gift" on the way out the door! If anyone was a JW (and born-in's deserve some slack here, since they didn't have a choice in the matter), they're starting from a deficit, and simply exiting the religion doesn't mean they're somehow now ahead of the game, since they have to make up for lost time just to break even.
Instead, people need to put in some thought and effort to develop critical thinking, or they often simply find another delusional faith-based belief system to fill the vacuum in their heads in order to satisfy their unmet emotional ne
I was referring the the "we" who have been on this board. Those of us here have gained some critical thinking skills and are not sheeple anymore. Most xjws never come to this board. I have gained a lot from these boards and do read the atheism blogs and posts. In the end it reaffirms my belief that God does exist in some form.
I think you are very rude and delusional for not believing in a Creator. Now go pound sand.( spoiler alert, that is how you sounded )
Don't mix up a belief in a creator with religion, esp. the JWs. I definitely had some crises of faith after my experience in JWs and other churches too. Don't think it is all part and parcel of the same thing.
Band on the Run
No one here has done any credible survey to find out what former Witnesses do. I suspect that those who leave may be those who question authority. Most don't define themselves as apostates. I left many decades ago. Everyone here is on a different point. I ended up here by clicking on wikipedia links. It never occurred to me that there would be a forum or any organized movement.
I left as I grew up. There is no way my parents could force me to attend past my 18th birthday. I learned enough critical thinking skills by junior high school. The recent discussion of Witnesses homeschooling their children chilled me. You don't need to know any science, math, or history to leave. The idea of a God who would commit to Armageddon was enough to convince me. I did not like some geeky brothers tellling me I could not listen to rock music or read certain books. When I left, I saw myself as the baby boomer crowd who worked in the Peace Corps, and believed in ecumenical movements. I imagine there were thousands of born-ins such as myself. Isn't it estimated that one third leave? You don't need to learn koine Greek to leave.
I am an adult. A quite competent adult. My personal choice is not submitted for approval. I expect respect. Otherwise, there is no point in posting here. We have freedom to choose. Do I stand up to my family whom I love and respect and cave in to win approval from some anonymous poster on the Internet? It is not logical.
I think you are very rude and delusional for not believing in a Creator. Now go pound sand. - Violia
Why do you imagine I would be upset or offended because you criticise my beliefs? The opposite is true.
I don't want to be wrong any longer than necessary. If you have any evidence at all for the existence of a god please share it. If I am deluded I am going to thank you for respecting me enough to explain where I am wrong.
Now why don't theists think this way?
If I am deluded I am going to thank you for respecting me enough to explain where I am wrong.- cofty
I have many times you are just behaving incredulously, you don't want to understand about organic chemistry. That's okay but is proves you are wrong about the probability God does not exist, it's more proabable he Created the universe.
Kate xx
Adamah: always get a kick out of when Xians argue for moral relativism, as if they lost the plot and think Jesus and God are OK with that all-accepting attitude of "hey, do whatever floats your boat, and it's A-OK with us!" I mean, didn't Jesus warn about those who twist his policies to fit their will, and those of "luke-warm" faith?
You do not believe in Jesus or God, so what difference does it make to you how others interpret the scriptures or what they believe God wants? It's hilarious you think your understanding of scripture is the only correct one, or even that by claiming to be Christian they need to closely adhere to the bible. I don't think you get a vote on that one.
cofty, actually the post was directed at Adam but was not clear. Adam is quoting you and his response to you. I just quoted the whole thing. sorry about that.