Thoughts on going back, am I the only one that feels this way?

by excaliber 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    After a few years faking it becomes a skill you develop, and its second nature to me. I don't even know how to be just myself, and that is the honest truth

    So how about making 1st Jan 2014 the day you begin learning what it means to live an authentic life?

    Listen to how you actually feel about things instead of what you think you ought to feel. Make "should" a prohibited word in your inner conversations.

    Well I think all religion is a lie

    This is a good start. Now apply the same critical thinking skills to the bigger questions.

    Education, careers, new friends, hobbies, sports, fun.... go get it and don't look back.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    I agree. Be impeccable with your word. If everyone suddenly became "IMPECCABLE WITH THEIR WORD" this POS organization would dry up and blow away with the wind.

    The Four Agreements:

  • Oubliette

    The basic ideas of the Four Agreements are good, very practical. But so are many of the proverbs and other bits of wisdom from the Bible. So are bits and pieces of most religions and philosophies. There's also a lot of crap and superstitious nonsense in all of the above.

    The problems really begin when people start forming groups and organizations. Then things quickly get weird and before you know it you have organized religions and cults.

  • AudeSapere

    There are much better ways to spend your time. Either working on a degree, developing a hobby, taking a walk, reading.

    When you meet new people, you don't have to make them understand you before you can hang out with them. Just hang. Do things together. Eventually you can tell parts (or all) of your story. But it does not have to happen first.

    And returning to the org with intent to be distracting and rude is just bad manners, imo.


  • quellycatface

    I would rather boil my arse in oil. Thanks anyway.

  • 2+2=5

    I would rather have shards of glass rammed in my anus, but that's just me.

    For the love of God Narcissistic Supply, that video is 2 and a half hours long. I'll get back to you in the winter.

  • quellycatface

    Be true to thine self.

  • kaik

    There is no reason to go back. JW organization does not possess the truth, nor has spiritual events that would keep me interesting. There are no social interaction, no charity work, no causes to fight for. It is totalitarian organization with a sole of dedication proselyting others. It does not care about well being of its members, does not provide social services, cultural event, or economic support for the needy. Entire effort is wasted on soul fishing and distributing the literature. There is not enough time to visit dying people in hospice, nor delivering food for elderly, poor, or unemployed. These people according to WT theology need only one hope, that either Armageddon will come soon enough to rescue them from the misery, or they can hope for better life in earthly paradise after resurrection. Returing into organization that never had showed any concern or well being for its members is good for masochists. Secondary, JW organization does not allow diversity of opinion. They are beating themselves into chest screaming that they are theocracy. Only opinion that matters is the one given by governing body. The worst of it, it is the momentary explanation given by the GB, they even do not bother maintaing own established theology.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    Dude don't put glass up your anus. Just sayin'

  • rebel8

    Most people, when they've had time to heal and perceive normality, they recognize cult life as the most depressing, backwards, ignorant, boring, pointless lifestyle that can be had.

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