How many JW apologists really post here?

by Londo111 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Londo111

    Yesterday, Stand for Pure Worship confessed that he has been trolling JWN, as he has through many incarnations.

    It makes me wonder if any of the ‘JW Apologists’ that have posted here over my last two years have been real: Scholar, Recovery, and so forth.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    SFPW admited to that a while ago on

    I'm sure there are many more.

  • Londo111

    I suppose I should learn not to go out of my way to “enlighten” such ones when I see such post. Lesson learned. Remind me if I forget it.

  • problemaddict

    Wait what!? Why the hell would someone do that?

    People lack integrity, and just waste others time. Its a shame. Need to get a real life, and stopwasting others.

  • KateWild

    None, they are all satires. Aunt connie is fantastic she woke me up good style, the satirical posters help lurkers IMO. As soon as you think to yourself "is this poster for real?" You know they're a satire. Enjoy them and laugh with them I say.

    Kate xx

  • wearewatchingyouman

    @problemaddict - I disagree. Sometimes it's a wonderful experience to play devils advocate (arguing a point you don't agree with) in order to refine your personal beliefs and help others define their own. What better place to do that than an internet forum?

  • KateWild

    help others define their own-weare

    So true SFPW helps and supports me a lot, it didn't matter that he was satirical, he is real too when he needs to be. SFPW, please post more satire we love you. Kate xx

  • Londo111

    Aunt Connie was good satire...and it was pretty obvious.

    I've no hard feelings against SFPW...I just wonder if folks like Scholar are satire or are for real. And I wonder how to distinguish the satire from the real deal.

  • problemaddict

    Ummmm....why do you have to be dishonest and inauthentic to play devils advocate? You can do so with integrity. I don't agree with that.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    That's cool. You don't have to.

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