How many JW apologists really post here?

by Londo111 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • leaving_quietly

    thedog1, one more thing that I've done that's been very eye-opening.

    Using the WT Library, list every occurrance of certain words in the Bible, such as "faith" (or it's derivatives), or "salvation" and "saved" or "truth" or "preach" (and it's derivatives) or "good news". It's extremely eye opening to see what the Bible says on such topics with just the verses alone.

    Not sure how good you are with using the WT Library search functions. I suggest you look at the Help menu under Search Expressions. You can do a search, for example, for: preach* to bring up everything that starts with "preach", including "preacher", "preached", "preaching". You an also search for something like: salvation | saved to bring up everything with the word salvation in it or the word saved in it. And phrases with more than one word should be in quotes, such as "good news".

    After I did this, I saved the list of verses to files and started to organize them. For example, with salvation, I have it separated in two categories (actually still working on this): things that bring about salvation, and things that don't. For preaching, I note what things are to be preached. For "good news", I wanted a list of things that constitute the good news, such as "good news of the kingdom", "good news about the Christ", etc.

    Like I said, very eye opening. I takes time to do this, but I feel it's time well spent.


  • thedog1

    Leaving Quietly

    thank your for your kind, empathetic thoughts. Yes, things have changed for me in the few short months that I have been looking into this, triggered off, I think, by all the changes in the WT thinking this year. Now, when I read a publication of the WT, I catch myself thinking about whether I really agree with what is stated. I sort of sleep-walked through the 1995 'generation' change and even the next change a few years ago did not really set off alarm bells, just the jaded thought 'oh no, another change in thinking.' I think it was when one quite theocratic sister came to me and said she could not understand aspects of the July 15th 2013 WT even after going through it a few times that I started to go back through those articles and question them myself. I have now come to the conclusion that the latest generation teaching is unsustainable scripturally, so when we come to study it again in I think April next year, I will have to be unavailable to take the WT study. So yes, some threads beginning to unravel.

  • KateWild

    So yes, some threads beginning to unravel.- thedog

    I am sorry you are going through this, but it is better than blindly following, how is your wife and the theocratic sister doing spiritually? Sam xx

  • thedog1

    Well, as you ask, Sam, my wife is not doing so well at the moment. She is very emotionally distraught as she cannot really cope with large groups of people so the meetings are very difficult and she has missed quite a few recently. She has no real issues with doctrine etc., but more the social aspects and expectations. The theocratic sister managed to resolve her issues, I think and continues on regardless.

  • KateWild


    This seems an emotional time for you both right now for different reasons. It is my firm belief holy spirit has nothing to do with the spirit of the bro's and sis's in the cong. You may disagree, but if your wife can see that there is no holy spirit guiding people she may get some relief and understand....

    "people are people no matter where you go, there is good and bad in every man" - Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder

    I for one, am glad she is out the toxic environment of meetings and judgemental gossip. I hope she feels better soon, but she may need to off load on you which in turn means you will feel stressed. Keep posting we care, we are here for you thedog1.

    Love Sam xx

  • nonjwspouse


    I hope your wife can find comfort in the verse " whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name". If she hass difficulty withthe growds it is good that you can be there with her, supporting her to stay home.

    The two of you can study the Bible together, which could be painful when finding the contridictions with the WT, but you are together in learning it that way.

    I hope for the best for you and your wife.

  • thedog1

    Funny, I was playing that song on youtube yesterday! Thank you for the positive thoughts, Sam and nonJWspouse. The thing is, my wife wants to go to meetings as she likes the content, and mostly finds people to be encouraging, just the crowds really freak her out. I have a talk next week and a public talk in three weeks. Got to try to get my head around those. This is not to say that I have suddenly stopped believing all of it. l still believe in a lot of it, except for the generation teaching, the lack of freedom to question and the consequences of following those questions to their logical conclusion. So am I being a hypocrite?


    FISHERMAN has successfully stretched the generation thread to page 18. I knew he was trolling earlier because there is an air to the comments of a troll. It can be very subtle at times. The good that comes from such debates, is that some lurkers will see TTATT. Then they may introduce themselves and begin their journey to freedom from the JWs.

  • Londo111

    I think many of us crave a genuine dialog with JWs… unfortunately, with those under BITE mind control, this is something that is simply not possible.

  • KateWild

    So am I being a hypocrite?-thedog1

    No No No!!! How can you be, you don't know what you fully believe yet. You have not made any firm decisions regarding your long term future, you are reading CoC and attending meetings, you are evaluating carefully the information. There is lots of info, take your time there is plenty. thedog1, you are not a hypocrite or an apologist. You are a nice guy, thats who you are a very nice guy IMO.

    I attended meetings and tried to get RI'd for 10 months, when I had read CoC, before I decided my future. I posted here for months before I stopped going.

    Take care love Sam xx

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