Jayholes dehuanize their victims. Not unlike what the internet is doing to kids who spend too much time with their face in the ipad. To me it's a war of socialization and breaking down cultural barriers. Building skills, achieving dreams, setting goals, moving beyond all the attitudes and behaviors that jayholes are trapped in. It takes time. Rome wasn't built in a day. Patience grasshopper.
if we don't all unite, we may win a few battles but Watchtower will win the WAR.
by excaliber 116 Replies latest jw friends
ekruks said-
A) Making the public more aware of cult dangers, so they avoid it - principally, we simple show JWs to be a cult; that doesn't even require discussing controversial issues like blood.
Ironically, this very page displayed banner ads for Mormons. Unfortunately, ex-cult members are not as well-funded as organized religions, who control massive resources and use them to influence politicians by lobbying with special-interest groups, etc.
B) Help people to make new lives when they get out the cult. Advice them on what to do, share stuff on mental health, stress, cult-recovery, PTSD, so people don't end up messed up with drink and drugs.
That's an interesting idea, since many cannot financially afford to leave those cults that provide a social safety net to their members. Again, the Mormons operate massive warehouses where they feed their members in need via a voucher system (given to them by the local bishop). JWs pale in comparison, but they often do arrange to provide meals to families in the congregation who are needy or dealing with sickness/illness/disability, etc.
It sounds like a great idea, but that's the problem with being an ex-anything, whether JW or Mormon: finding those willing to put up the $$$ and actually do the work. I imagine people either sink or swim, or rely on governmental safety nets for social services and their basic needs.
Adamah, why are you do negative? Are you playing Devil's advocate? You are right to have financial concerns, but I think we are also fearing reprisal by the WT, fearing legal issues, fearing hours like preaching when we want to be with families, fearing burnout and stress from overwork - it's all too familiar. But it seems as if we are looking for excuses - obviously people are struggling with work and family commitments; there is no demand any be involved or even if they are, it's up to them how much and what they do.
Sure there are major obstacles, and nothing would happen overnight, but that doesn't mean to just give up.... a lot of people live in America, and we may have differing views on the declaration of independence, and even how much liberty USA really has, but if people had just given up at the might of the British Empire, would the USA exist? Just because someone has resources, they won't prevail - the Governing Body are so stuck in the past. This very forum is something that exists despite their efforts. A limited budget is difficult for marketing, but we can do better than we are doing currently. I think the best thing is to carefully avoid any litigation issues, because the legal department at Bethel are switched on. People should be careful what they publish online, and achieve as much anonymity as pragmatic.
There are the Mormons, but then there are the outcasts, young men discarded by the polygamists. There are charities and corporations to help there, and sure, that's a big step, sure we are not too sure how, and a lot of us don't want to be too open incase we loose families. There is more for the ex-Mormon than the ex-JW, despite all the Mormons funds.
JW lifestyle makes one very ignorant of the world and how to survive outside JW-world. If somehow slowly we could make steps forward to provide help. -
ekrunk said-
Adamah, why are you do negative? Are you playing Devil's advocate? You are right to have financial concerns, but I think we are also fearing reprisal by the WT, fearing legal issues, fearing hours like preaching when we want to be with families, fearing burnout and stress from overwork - it's all too familiar.
Please don't project tone onto me: I'm actually agreeing with you, or did you not understand what "that's an interesting idea" implies?
It sounds like you're proposing creating a non-profit organization, so great; sounds like a worthy cause. I'm sure you've already researched what secular humanist organizations are doing in a similar vein, just to make sure you're not proposing reinventing the wheel, etc? How much experience do you have in creating and/or running a 501(c3)?
BTW, there's no legal worries from the WT (they can't say boo about this); it's the legal worries of the IRS that are of concern, and the steps of getting incorporated as a NPO that are of concern.
War against the Watchtower!? Now there's a fantastic way to feed the Witnesses' super-sensitively attuned persecution complex. Some undoubtedly sincere-minded individuals honestly believe that the louder you shout - especially if the shouts are "united" - the more compelling your expose against the Watchtower. Oh no it ain't - all it does is come across as "proof" to the Witnesses that they really must have the truth to cause such opposition.
If you take a look at all the many, many people who post on here, including still active Witnesses, few, if anycame to see theTTATT throught shouting exposes.
Credit people with the ability to work things out for themselves through unpanicked calm reason not subjecting them to choruses of united hilltop screeching.
Please note that the original OP is a Newbie and typically someone coming out of the WTS is pissed off about something that happened. I had a HUGE amount o anger (I think it is moderating) in the early stages of learning TTATT.
The only thing that might make a difference on a local scene is what I've seen happening in some parts of the country here, where the Catholic Church was sponsoring billboards that made "nice" statements about Catholics. Atheists responded by post similar billboard about atheists. "Hey, we're nice people, and we're Atheists!"
How the atheists "cats" ever got organized to purchase billboards for their cause is a mystery. I suspect it's just one or a few individuals with deep pockets trying to make their point.
To do anything like that costs money. You'll get no response for requests for money unless those giving have some kind of control (because they've been fleeced once already by the WTS).
So, we're back to "herding cats".
Good luck,
Desirousof Change - just want to acknowledge good points you make. Much appreciated.
If I had money, I would make a movie about our plight - get some famous actors in it so people would watch it.
I've thought about that too. Certain people on this forum have had WT life experiences that are movie-worthy.
If I had money, I would make a movie about our plight - get some famous actors in it so people would watch it.
.............................It`s about 2 JW Window Washers..
.......Who are trapped in a Windowless Kingdom Hall for 30 Years..
......................................This ex JW Loved it!..