I need some rumour ideas??? Have you any good ones??
Already after 9 missed meetings the gossip has got back to me I have left for good. My son anticipated this and is upset, but I prepared him for it. So we are now going to have some fun with the gossipers. I will teach him that we control the gossip no one else.
My first step to stop the whole "Ahh you see Jehovah knew her heart all along" was....... I called my JC chairman and said as I have seen on the forum plenty
"I have been depressed and can't come to meetings at the moment. I am taking the matter to Jehovah and need some time"
.....he was all oh yes we understand nonesense then I asked if I could go to the KH to collect my mags, but not upto staying for the meeting, he says emphatically
"oh of course you can, we will have them ready for you"
Now instead of looking depressed, I will strutt my stuff, heels and all. Then march right up to the littertrash counter and smile all the while, about turn and walk right out looking fine and dandy.
I know who has been gossiping, I need some rumour idea's we can give them next so my son can enjoy controlling the gossip??
Kate xx