The butt of cong gossip - I have missed 9 meetings

by KateWild 30 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    I am having my coffee and getting ready to play games. These games can be fun when they are on your terms and you are in control. Searcher, Yadda, great rumours I will spread them both to different people. My loved ones I will tell Sreachers point and the gossip elder. Any who enqire today or by text I will say I will be back soon.

    But a special thank you will go to my ex emplyee, the sis that threw my under the bus and betryed me. I truly am grateful for her underhanded betrayal. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be DF'd.

    I told her that I did not believe the elders were guided by holy spirit, she ratted me out. I was charged with current reviling. My other reviling charges I was marked for. This was the butterfly being set free moment. As traumatic as it was she set me free. I bear no grudge, but i would never recruit her again lol

  • Dis-Member

    I would imagine that a whole congregation talking about your 'Butt' would be quite a compliment..

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Ignore the gossip. They are twats. Your son will see how evil the gossip is and make up his own mind that they're not the truth...if he hasn't already.

  • KateWild

    I would imagine that a whole congregation talking about your 'Butt' would be quite a compliment.. -DM

    LOL!! Good one xx

  • KateWild

    I went to the KH before the meeting started, and clickety clicked in with my gold stilettos all fine and dandy head held high. I waited at the front by the littrash counter to get my mags.

    I also wanted a new cl book as my son will be indoctrinated and I need to teach him to be critical thinking about what he is being tought. The Littertrash MS, waouldn't serve me at first. He said

    "I am not being funny"

    I said

    "Yes you are, of course you are being funny. I will be back soon I am just not able to stay today, but I need the books for my son to teach him"

    he said

    "Good I am glad you will be back soon. Well okay you can have a new bible but we haven't got th cl books in yet"

    I had a good old chit chat with a few others saying I will be back soon, and spread other rumours I will never get reinstatted again. Giving out a bunch of mixed messages will confuse all the gossippers hahaha. But my loved ones know the real truth.

    I feel empowred, confident and happy. It was a brief nice experience.

    Kate xx

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Hahaaaa good on you kate!

  • KateWild

    I gotta a bit of love bombing with two phonecalls. I rang two of my JW friends. They want me back in but it was a NO form me folks. Kate xx

  • losingit

    I really don't think you plan on leaving at all. I understand about your son, but you can get the literature online. I don't understand the purpose in your recent visit to the KH. Why bother wasting times playing games when you can use your time to move on successfully from the org. Isn't that true revenge, true vindication? Oh well, to each his own. Good luck!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I don't know British family law. It probably is similar to American family law. My understand is that you don't have primary custody of a relatively young son. Given the volatility of beliefs in the former family, I assume some understanding was reached concerning how your son would be raised until the next custody hearing. My concern is for your son. These rumor games and dressing to kill at the KH are juvenile. A judge is going to be impressed in a negative way.

    Rather than teach your son contrary to the custodial parents teaching which could get you in trouble why not expose him to the greater world. Universities often offer courses to high school students. Museums do, too. My parents educated me in the WT and the world. Seeing the Natural History Museum and having great fun undid a lot of the stature of the Witnesses. I would think that even reading Britian's equivalent of the New York Times with your son and taking him to see Parliament would be a bonus. Who said what to whom about a religion you don't care about is silly. I can well understand the impulse to stay and fight. It only involves your son even more.

    If you did have your son on a limited basis, the story would be different. He needs to come first. A judge is scrutinizing your child care decisions. Proving to the judge that you make wise decisions that are in your son's interest and don't demean his father should be a big priority. I was so impressed with your JC tape. The decision to join a gym and go swimming was a major blow against your son being further indoctrinated. Judges are not usually former Witnesses with an ax to grind against the Society. People might cheer you on here but this behavior is not likely to impress a judge. They have concerns about your diagnosis. This is aiding your ex to gain to control over your son's mind. My mother always made us respect the office of father. Your son needs protection from being pulled apart.

    Don't get me wrong. I would connive all sorts of schemes in my mind. Who knows what I would do in your shoes? Judges are lawyers. I know how lawyers think. If your son acquires critical thinking skills, he will be innoculated against any Witness book.

  • KateWild


    I suppose I am still deprogramming and not thinking straight. My mindset is I need hard copies to mark up, but I don't do I. I do want to visit other posters in my area and some are still in so going to a meeting to meet a JWN poster is a posibility.

    I am just a newbie and my circle of friends is basically JWs in my area who don't shun me and JWN posters. I am at the gym 3 times a week, and I asked my ex collegue if I could go out with his gang in the near future.

    Yes good points you make. Thanks Kate xx


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