The butt of cong gossip - I have missed 9 meetings

by KateWild 30 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    Goodnight Searcher xx

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Just tell them you're having a wee break and will be back soon. Simple.

    I mean, Jehovah has been resting the last 6,000 years and Jesus hasn't been present since 33 AD.

  • KateWild

    yadda, love it back soon, very funny Armageddon has been soon for over 100 years hahaha Kate xx

  • Apognophos

    Also, any time they ask when you're coming back, say it's sooner than last time. It surely must happen any day now!

  • sheila wright
    sheila wright

    I have just been saying to the elders when they call, I seen something traumatizing that I haven't been able to shake, which I did see something at that annual meeting (the angel of light flying around because of that demonic new Bible).

  • losingit

    Why are you still dealing with the elders and the congregation if you say you left the org? Who cares what they say. Just deal with your child.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    Playing mind games with them binds you to the elders. Leave in a dignified manner. You say you are done but it sounds as tho you want to go back. Rather than engage with them, perhaps you want to start a new life. People will gossip. It is human nature. I don''t know. My impression from your posts here was that you wanted to leave. Does it truly matter who spreads rumors? You did such a good job at your JC!

  • Splash

    Get a henna tattoo that can just be seen peeping out from somewhere.

    They will just love that!!


  • ruderedhead

    BOTR has a good point, Sam. Don't play their games, tempting as it may be. Simply fly under the radar and ignore them as best you can. You have a great life ahead of you, woman.Move forward. You don't really need the bs!

  • KateWild


    Two options I can teach my child, be confident and speak your mind or ignore those who treat you badly. I am not a quiet leave it alone person. I can't be truly done with this org until my boy is free from indoctrination. I am connected for the forseeable future in this regard sadly.

    I have had a lovely break from reading the littertrash, but for my son I need to keep updated. IMO also ignoring is a form of bullying. I am being ignored in many ways. It brings me closure to a situation if I speak my mind. I felt empowered after my JC, and each time I listen to it. (I listened to it again last night) IMO I need to teach my son to stand up for himself in an appropriate manner as I did with my JC, he needs to learn to control anger but express disagreement with the way he is being treated in the KH by the elders.

    My son has to endure mistreatment, therefore he needs the appropriate tools to overcome his anger of a particular situation. Thank you all for your opinions I value bouncing idea's off people.

    Kate xx

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