I feel my faith is weakening

by Brother Mike 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nonjwspouse

    sd-7 reminded me.

    Along with Hassan's books, Ray Fanz books, Camerons "Captive of a concept".... I also reccomend "Twisted Scripture"s by MaryAlice Chrnalogar. She helps show how the scriptures can be twisted in so many different ways and how easy it is to fall for a high control groups interpretations to prove they are the only correct interpretation.

  • steve2

    You nicely answer your own question. What sort of faith do you have that leads you to ask us what we think. Hell, to me it's a no-brainer. If you believe it's the Truth, stay. If you don't, leave.

  • problemaddict


    Like others here, my advise to you would be to continue to learn, and to try to do it with INDEPENDANT THINKING. That is not a bad thing, as many of us have been taught. You are a young guy, with the worl ahead of you. You should really take time to think out all of your choices and why you want or don't want to do something.

    Sites like this are not meant to "discourage" you. They end up doing that, only because you see what others think and are going through. Simon, the person who started this site, has not real dog ina fight against JW's. He just wants people to have an avenue to seek out things for themself. So we have all kinds here.

    In other words, don't relate your feelings of lessening faith with this place. Did you get that?

  • rmt1

    oops, thought I was hitting the back button. clearly, it does not belong to man who is clicking even to direct his mouse.

  • maccauk11

    If you still have faith in Messiah rather than something made of bricks and mortar then surrender to him alone and he will set you free. You cannot find him in a church, building or organisation. The true church is not made by human hands.Ask yourself do you bleeive inMesisha what he did at the cross and the ressurection, then if you answer is yes, then you are free in Christ. You cna live your life without condemnation or the burdens put upon you by man. He will reveal himself to you and your destiny is assured forever. Please check out my youtube channel seekchristonly. Peace and Love

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