Never stop asking questions, never stop learning, don't just believe what you are told, prove it to yourself and be true to yourself. Trust you instinct and feelings and enjoy your life, you have a lot to look forward to once you are in control.
I feel my faith is weakening
by Brother Mike 34 Replies latest jw experiences
Hello Bro Mike. It's your one here can make that desicion for you.
I noticed you started by saying ''When you were in the truth....''. Oooooh. Stop there and consider the power of 'loaded language' and why the term 'the truth(R)' is a dangerous on to use. Consider the other examples of 'loaded language' used by the watchtower(R) too.
Your title about faith 'weakening'.....'weak' is also part of the loaded language used to guilt trip you.
Personally as a former elder I have seen behind the scenes of the organization(TM)....I know what I think!
The fact you are posting here and asking speaks volumes to me.
BroMike. When I was a jw, I was never in the truth. Hope that helps...
Have a great new years eve!
Julia Orwell
Sooner! It takes time to build who you are, so don't let the JWs co-opt that. They want to fill you with themselves rather than let you make up your own mind. Follow the good advice like avoiding drugs and alcohol and that, but you must now negotiate your own values and beliefs. I became a JW at your age and was in for 14 years. Take it from me, that although I learned some good things from the WT, it basically sucked away my youth with very little to show. Don't make that mistake. You're young so use your energies for something worthwhile.
The Searcher
Brother Mike - I'm assuming that you are already baptized?????
If so, you must make the real truth your own!! If you have a genuine faith and want to strengthen it, use the Bible to examine the man-made doctrines we've been indoctrinated with - don't use literature!
IMHO, the Watchtower CD ROM is the greatest Bible research tool on the planet for searching and harmonizing the Scriptures, and for exposing the numerous "skeletons" in the Org's cupboard! Use it to the full to prove to yourself what the Bible really teaches!
If your research subsequently proves to you that the Org is NOT God's direct channel of communication, then you have a clear decision to make - how you intend to let your new-found knowledge affect your life!
Keep sharing on here Brother Mike. Lots of knowledgeble and caring people on here.
I would personally walk away while you have little to lose. BUT it is your decision.
Happy and Hopeful New Year to you my friend.
If you haven't graduated, one idea might be to get some part-time work and just bank it, use it, milk it, leverage it. You will need a social support system before too long, so see to that. If you >REALLY< need to ferret out that rat that you smell, well, then, you need to do that. If they have you fearing Armageddon, well, you need to live in the world that exists. If they have you feeling weak in faith, well, that's just because you've accumulated facts. (They hate that.) If you think they're hiding something, well, that's because they have nothing. (They have no cards. No cards.)
Looks like you may have a New Years to commemorate and hold in remembrance of your solemn freedom. A Memorial with margaritas, doritos and guac, and an observance shared by time-zones' worth of real-people-that-actually-exist-and-are-not-vulture-fodder-via-divine-genocide. The last part is 'making strange' what is difficult to conceptualize when first getting out.
What is your faith based on that it felt true? What has changed? To find that your faith was founded on rotten stones (foundation) is not a sign of weak faith, IMO, but an opportunity to revisit the foundation.
Belief is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Faith is.
They are not the same.
All persons have belief.
Not all have faith (2 Thess 3:2).
Faith is a "free gift".
It is granted to those who explicitly pursue the liberating "unabridged gospel" message to its zenith (Rom 10:16,17).
Religion is designed to obstruct or erode faith.
Only you can make the decision BUT, LIVE LIFE on your terms. Take each day by the horns and go for it, don't fall for the live for the future and live in paradise speech because the next thing you know, you will be dead and don't let a reglious cult dictate your life course, you have the world in your hands Mike so take it and run!