"I don't know" is an answer that will suffice." I agree 100%. Flamegrilled won't say, "Yes", because of the implications. Neither will he say, "No." He pleads the fifth on this one..
One of the things that thrilled me about seeing that the bible teaches only one hope, the Christian hope, was believing that I was "anointed" as JWs would call it. I just knew that I HAD to partake according to the scriptures. The greatest thing about this belief was the hope that I would be able to help right all the wrongs of the world. I would dream about saving ALL righteous ones at the big A. [ I personally believed that very, very few people would be judged as wicked at the time.] I imagined the thrill of standing for justice and saving believers from demonic hordes, or evil armies. Whatever I could do, however YHWH would use me, I was all in.
I would answer, "YES", to Snare's question. If I had the power to save others and insure eternal peace, I would do it. Even if I had to die myself, I would do it. A Loving creator who let's children starve and people die, just to prove a point, is beyond my understanding. If GOD can do anything, then there is no reason why he could not have stopped evil and preserved our existence. An omnipotent being with the ability of predestination could have stopped man's fall and preserved all the past and current populace, minus the horrors of evil.
Also, I agree with Kate. The Devil rules or he doesn't. If he does, the only promise in the bible is that Christians have no "spiritual" breaking point. There is NO promise of avoiding death. In fact, the opposite is true. That means this life is a crap-shoot. I could be murdered or martyred tomorrow. I could get cancer next week. I could die behind the wheel. I could have a defective heart valve and keel over taking a walk. That is the reality of life.
A GOD who protects the chicken population of a JW in Myanmar, but allows a bus-load of JWs to get decapitated on the way to a DC has serious issues. Letting an elderly sister drive to memorial and kill her passenger on the way to celebrate the most sacred night, is dropping the ball in my opinion. [ True story, happened last year] I guess the myriads of angels were busy controlling the humidity so the RNWT could be printed on time, mistakes and all...