Neon: I am not really sure if you still agree or disagree with my original statement: I simply argue the description of certain events taking place in year 70 imply the book was written after year 70 with high probability.
Would you agree with that logic as it is formulated?
I also want to consider a second, parallel example. Disregard Dixons success or lack of the same as a prophet, or consider we are dealing with another Dixon of who you know little. Suppose some of Dixons family turned up a note (or book or whatever) that said:
"I hereby affirm that my prophecy will be correct, JFK will be shot dead near the end of the 60s in Dallas. Cheers, Dixon, 5 May, 1958."
and that note could not be dated accurately, for instance because it was written with ink and on paper from the 40s. I only claim I would then believe (with high certainty) that note was written after Kennedy was killed and it would still take quite a bit of evidence to convince me it was written before JFK was shot. Do you think that is the wrong conclusion to draw?
Then I am curious on what basis you believe that prophecy is possible.
Clearly prophecy is logically possible.. I believe it is possible for the simple reason I can easily imagine a situation in which i was convinced someone was a prophet. I think one should be open to all possibilities and demand evidence in proportion to how out of the ordinary they seem to be.
Are you saying that prophecy might really happen, and some day we might also discover real fairies and unicorns?
yes prophecies might really happend, I assume by prophecy we are dealing with someone who has advanced knowledge about the future.
It *might* even be the case someone is telling the future because God is telling him whats going to happend. But as a matter of logic that is an even more remote option.
Fairies are very unlikely for a number of reasons, especially the flying human-like kind with butterfly wings. I would say they violated several laws of physics and their existence was very unlikely.
If an unicorn is an animal that look like a horse or large deer but with a single horn on its forehead, well, it might be possible one has actually lived, and I would say the chances was quite high we could one day make one in a laboratory when genetic engineering has advanced sufficiently.
Are you saying unicorn and fairies are a-priori impossible but the existence of god, angels etc. is not?