It obviously WAS written for those early readers since, as you propose, the metrical devices used within that genre of literature was primarily applicable to those who best understood it.
The problem comes when one becomes dogmatically involved in insisting on exclusivity. Whether Revelation was written EXCLUSIVELY for them is moot, and has been debated for centuries by readers much later than the original recipients. The book "Revelation - Four Views" written by spealists in their own interpretive fields, allows for these four views:
1. Preterist: where fulfillment is seen within the milleu of the Roman Empire.
2. Historical :where fulfillment is viewed as having occurred throughout history.
3. Dispensationalist: which interprets the section of Revelation chapter 6 onwards as being in the future.
4. Metaphorical: Where the book is treated as a mass of apocalyptic dreams aand visions having several contradictory and unimaginable applications.
All these forms of interpretation with their contextual applications can be sucessfully defended and the believer such as the biblical perspective allows for, must decide for himself/herself what line of prophetic significance to follow.
The one totally ILLEGTIMATE application is that of Realised Prophecy which sees the fulfilment of Revelation in a given set of present day circumstances. Herbert W Armstrong and the collective Watchtower Leadership are prime examples of this folly. For the Watchtower Leadership their view is that they are the centre of the Theological Universe so ALL fulfillment must revolve around them exclusively.
Using 1914 as their base line time element, they have, throughout their history, been straining a meaning out of the text of Revelation that is patently absurd, and thus they frame themselves in a spotlight that only diehard Watchtower Followers can admire.
It is for this reason, that when a current prophetic time element becomes untenable, other sources of fullfilment have to be plundered in the name of "new light". What Russell, then later Rutherford, and even later Freddy Franz, conceived Revelation to be has largely been swallowed up by the dustbin of history.