Sign this petition - Investigation On Jehovahs Witnesses Religious Policy That Violates Human Rights and Abuses Religious Freedom
by TJ Curioso 170 Replies latest watchtower scandals
AAWA sent this email today -
AAWA wants to sincerely thank - each - and - every - one of you for signing our petition!
Good news!!!! In just 20 days, we have accumulated 2,500 signatures to this important cause - at the 1/2-way mark towards our total goal of 5,000.
We will be submitting our cause to be reviewed by the authorities to determine if it is balanced for society - for the safety and emotional well-being of people who leave the organization, as well as raising awareness that shunning - contributes towards the breakdown of the human family bond and conflicting with the Articles under the Declaration of Human Rights.
If everyone who signed this petition, recruits just one or two people to sign it - we will reach the entire goal. Your signatures are very meaningful, because our filed complaints to the agencies will be backed by 5,000 supporters to validate that claim.
We especially want to thank you for your personal comments attached to the signatures. These comments speak volumes in terms of being true "testimonials" of how invasive the policy negatively affected people's lives and families. Some personal comments also admitted - their personal knowledge of suicides of people they knew within their congregations, as well as sharing experiences of how their own families and friends’ families were literally torn-apart through shunning. Please share our petition to help us reach our goal, with other people who may care about protecting human rights.
Please consider recruiting a few members to help us reach the goal. We appreciate your continued support !!
Band on the Run
I want to hear from the organizers their intentions as to which lucky authority receives this bs petition. It is not a legitimate petition.
What will they do if they do not hear back from authorities?
Perhaps I should draw flow charts as to whether the $ raised by came back to any organizers.
Just b/c the WT engaged in scams is no excuse for former Witnesses to engage in scams.
Good news!!!! In just 20 days, we have accumulated 2,500 signatures to this important cause - at the 1/2-way mark towards our total goal of 5,000.
LOL, of course it was all them. This topic: Viewed 6459 times
The reality is it's all about self-promotion for them, nothing else. Wasting people's time to spread their logo and links.
Band on the Run
Wait. You can't change the wording or the group receiving the petition after the signature process. Everyone who signed relied upon the fact that a specific person or organization would receive a specifically worded text. You sign the petition......
More legal questions raised. Not ready for prime time players on SNL? We are afflicted with Not Ready for Prime Time Activist/Dummies.
Is there good money in hustling former Witnesses? I never considered what I am considering now. Has this been nothing but a way to grab funds from the start? I assumed good-natured bungling at the worst. Instant karmas going to get you.
If everyone who signed this petition, recruits just one or two people to sign it - we will reach the entire goal.
Please consider recruiting a few members to help us reach the goal. We appreciate your continued support !!....AAWA
....................If everyone who signed the AAWA Petition,Recruits 2 more people for the AAWA Petition..
..........................Change.Org will have Many More Names to give their next Paying Customers..
............................................... ..Another "Exiting or Ex JW" Gets Thrown Under The..
........................................................................AAWA Advertising Bus..
I believe that any official government crackdown againt WT will be contraproductive, and will give the people a feel of persecution and martyrdom. They will still even more closer to the publishing house and will turn into more crazies that they are right now. If there are true violation of laws, like children abuse, stealing of funds, misuing tax status, then let law enforcement agencies to deal with them. However, forcing JW into illegality will entice more people and will make them more evaisive. You will notice that countries with widespread religious tolerance have the lowest growth rate of JW.
Band on the Run
There is no government authority that will process this petition. The process was fraudulent. They changed the wording after people signed the petition.
There are different forms of treaties. Some are merely aspirational. There are legal hurdles to face, a specific test, to determine if a US treaty grants any rights under law. Also, it helps to write emails and petitions in standard English. I don't always do so here b/c this is an Internet forum. Fragments are not all right when composing text for more formal settings.
They do not know what they are doing. Most of the information they need is only a simple Google search away. It is sad but I am beginning to wonder if there is intent to obtain money from being seen as a dissident leader. I was an activist in high school. We did things that I now regret. I did have plenty of company, however. One cannot ignore that a book was sold by a leader of the group. compiles email lists for profit. There was no need to use
Of course, the individuals who signed did not research much before revealing their email address. After the Facebook debacle, I would expect people to be more careful.
There is no government authority that will process this petition. The process was fraudulent.
They changed the wording after people signed the petition.....BOTR
.............The AAWA Petition Will Be.....................But..The AAWA Advertising Wabbit..
.........................Shot down............................................Keeps going and Going...
Band on the Run
Amen, Outlaw. Not a single thing was actually done conerning shunning.