Is it normal for the Elders in your congregation to spy on you through your wife? Texting her to see whats up with you and what your doing or saying etc. Using her as the in house spy??? Proper, not proper, or they can do whatever they want?
Elders and spying eyes
by Crazyguy 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Iown Mylife
My opinion - they can and do justify doing whatever they wanna do. Anything you can think of can be twisted around, rationalized and whitewashed as service to God, benefitting the sheep, blah blah blabbitty blab blab blab, UGH!
Personally, If brohers in the congregation were texting my wife behind my back I'd make a formal complaint with the CO, get a restraining order and change congregations.
The Searcher
WEAREWATCHINGYOUMAN - The VERY first thing I'd do is sit my wife down and in no uncertain terms, tell her that what is said and done in our home is not for discussion with anyone - especially the elders. I would then provide her with the answer when interrogated by the scumbags - "If you wish an answer to your questions, please ask my husband personally, as he is head of my household."
I have personally applied this with my own wife who knows TTATT but is afraid that the elders might quiz her, instead of me!
I've told her that if she confronted by an elder/s, she must simply say, "I can't answer for The Searcher, please ask him yourself", and then turn and walk away!
How do you define 'normal' in a cult like the WBT$?
What's normal about refusing blood transfusions based on out of context scriptures?
What's normal about protecting paedophiles so that the GB don't lose out on their rock star lifestyle?
Abnormal is the cult version of normal.
Especially considering that the elders are men that will never get the kind of power they have in normal society. These drones are capable of anything in order to preserve their own ego being on a high.
Like it Paul xx
According to their own teaching you are the head of the house and all communication should be directed to and through you - no texting or phoning your wife, at least IMHO.
TBH this whole scenario disgusts me because it reminds me of my own situation before my ex left me.
They turn loved ones against each other. Despicable.
It's a cult isn't it!?!?!?!
That is so messed up! Others ahve given some wise advice, don't know if it will work (theocratic warfare), but you have to try. Maybe cite scripture along with asserting your headship role?
I don't know if this is possible, but can you go to a store that is a provider for your service, (say Verizon, or whatever you have), and ask if there is a way you can disable the texting function on your wife's phone? That would put a stop to the texting, at least.
And definately go to the CO with proof that these men are texting/calling your wife. Have a bit of fun with it. Tell him you suspect they might actually be romantically interested in her, otherwise why all the calls/texts trying to "get" you? and that while you have told her they must contact you,not her, she and they have ignored that, and are thus ignoring your headship role, thus hurting your relationship with your wife. Might turn the tables a bit!