It depends whose gospel you decide to accept. Mark is very apocalyptic and spooky. There appear to be different traditions of Jesus. We tend to fous on the Sermon on the Mount and social gospel scriptures.
I love The Last Temptation of Christ. The book is better than the film. Martin Scorcese had me laughing when Jesus pulls out his heart in the film. I don't take the gospel stories literally. Several Jesus' are present. He is contadictory. As a believer, how do you select which Jesus to accept? The apocalyptic stuff scared me much as a child. Other faith traditions may not be as spooky as the Witnesses. Think Branch Davidians.
Jesus has motivated people to do great charitable acts. Elaine Pagels explained how the Emperor of Rome committed some heinous act. I believe there was a mass slaughter at a coliseum. The death toll was high. The pope, as Bishop of Rome, ordered the Emperor to do penance. When the Emperor acknowledged the power of the church and did public penance, a change was discernible. The Roman Church shows great acts and great atrocities. I don't believe it is Jesus that brings out good or bad but the individuals involved.
Jesus has been a force for good in my life. I feel called to ministries. Many hours have been devoted to Homeless and AIDS Ministry, not to mention support of the arts. I feel a true sense of a caring community in most churches. People are called to action over social issues. The civil rights movement was almost completely the work of the black church.
On the other hand, I've seen Triumph of the Will several times. The messianic images mixed with HItler's arrival and the use of sound to build psychological pressure and then release are so obvious that they are scary. The Inquisition makes one wonder. Use of the church as a way to block science and the arts is legendary. Constantine's Sword is a classic dealing with rampant antiSemitism in Europe. Jesus stands in the middle.
I live with the tension. It will make me unpopular but I wish it were not necessary to live with tension. The same process must happen in every religion on earth. My childhood and teen years would have been much nicer in a different denomination. I was robbed of a childhood. Young people should not have to deal with emotional stress in the form of an angry and immoral God. I have no answers. When I speak to most people, they have tons of questions, too. Tension is all right.