Jesus' Teachings - Helpful or Harmful?

by jgnat 153 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    So jesus teachings are harmful to you then kate - just so you know.-zound

    What is speaking against the spirit? Am I speaking against the spirit now?

    I prayed for many years and could have gone to the police but listened to elders instead of the spirit inside me, my gut feeling. This was telling me to go to the police. So waiting on God to show me the way was harmful. Then answers weren't clear, but at the time abiguous and confusing.

    So am I sinning against the spirit now expressing my thoughts?

    Love Kate xx

  • jgnat

    "Christianity teaches that GOD preserved the bible down to this day , so certainly he would have preserved jesus writings had done so. - smiddy"

    I am pretty sure the concept of an inviolate bible belongs to a subset of Christianity. A comforting concept for me is the Roman Catholic notion of progressive revelation. I had an epiphany one day that all wisdom surely did not stop 2,000 years ago. I think believing such puts a damper on modern revelations, such as "it takes a village to raise a child".

    Of course, the Roman Catholic church ran with that concept of progressive revelation, hoards it for the pope, and introduced abuses (indulgences).

    Goodness gracious, I am sounding more like a Unitarian Universalist every day.

  • confusedandalone

    Kate you are assuming there is a spirit to offend... if there is a spirit how offended could it be if during your hour of need it whispered to you but did t act in a fashion to protect.

    Let's add some meat to this...

    If the spirit can be offended then obviously it has humanist qualities.

    So ass the mighty spirit and god looked down on you being abused it decided to whisper to you ,"go to the police" instead of changing the mind of the abuser or helping you out the situation. If you saw your child being beat would you whisper to her to go to the police or would you help.

    Since we are supposedly children of God that is exactly what happened

  • KateWild

    CAA, good point. Hence I don't believe God cares about anyone or anwers prayers unless the answer is "No" or "Maybe", I believe I have not offended the spirit. Thank for confirming that CAA. Kate xx

  • humbled

    It is hard to be honest about what i feel about faith.

    Kate said "So am I sinning against the spirit now expressing my thoughts?"

    I figure that sinning against the spirit is the same as lying to yourself.

  • galaxie

    A lot of you(you'll know who you are)seem to be totally convinced of the authenticity of Jesus teachings there is absolutely no! Proof of it except by multiple hand accounts passed down for 2000yrs by humans who undoubtably were less well informed or educated as you are now and probably all were in positions of power and used the second/third/fourth,hand etc accounts for their own reasons usually to suppress less educated people we have surely come a long long way from that superstitious justification.I would urge you not to insult your intelligence by perpetrating this unnecessary belief system,it is possible to lead a good loving moral life without it and IMO would lead to a better society without it why do I think that? Check the history of conflict and destruction not to mention sorrow,bitterness, and mans inhumanity to man because of it.

  • jgnat

    Hey, galaxie. What lung power. I barely got through your first sentence before taking a breath. Lots of inhumanity to man with and without religion.

  • galaxie

    Jgnat I know you must have the intellectual capacity to understand the context of my reference to mans inhumanity to man is jesus'teachings think of the history not to mention contemporary atrocities committed in the name of Jesus.Of course I agree mans inhumanity to man is prevelant because of other causes but that's for another thread

  • jgnat

    My thread, I get to decide what stays. Take more breaths when you talk. Atrocities have been done in the name of...Atilla, Socialism, the Greater Good, the Nazi ideal. The same goes for great works of kindness. We have secular and religious examples all over the place. I suggest we are looking at our base natures, with a veneer of ideology over top.

    I've seen convincing statistics that people will do what is in their best interest regardless of their stated beliefs. It is as if our unconscious were a raging elephant with the rational mind holding on for dear life, making up reasons for running rampant.

  • galaxie

    I agree your thread which has a topic heading composed by yourself ,I reiterate intellectual capacity on your part should understand that responding content to this topic(your topic)should be on that subject did I deviate? absolutely not! with respect I would say any deviation from the thread(your thread) was on your part! Why not stick to man's inhumanity to man as a result of YOUR topic perhaps you'd rather not think about it? Sorry to get of thread but I did control my breathing this time lol

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