1 Jehova is not gods name, he has made it unknown. Jehova is a description of him "I am that I am". There is an unusual movie "PI" that correlates his name to the solution for pi.
2 Read "Glory of the Stars". All of "pagan" mythology is really a version of the redemption message given by God to Adam, Enoch and Noah.
3 The battle between good and evil, God and Satan, Heaven and Hell was originally found in Persia. The Israelites came by this knowledge while captive in Babalon. The wise men who attended Jesus birth were part of the more ancient "pagan" religion originated by Zoroaster.
4 God helps those who help themselves. Not a sparrow falls but he doesn't mourn. It rains on the just and unjust. God has given us all the tools we need to transfom the earth into paradise. There is a common story about a man caught in a flood who rejects help from many and after perishing confronts God. I trusted you to save me and you let me die! God responds I sent help repeatedly and you sent them away saying "God will save Me"
Religion and morality often confound. If looked at from a purely cultural perspective the theory of evolution applied to religion would indicate there is a competetive advantage to religion and seemingly unreasonable moral belief. It makes close quarter, large population confinement over rule the agressive nature animals express when they find themselve part of a large crowd with less than optimal space. It allows cooperation when there ought to be competition. It is why the Spanish defeated the Aztecs.
Either God exists or he does not. Science can not answer this question.
Not all who believe in God and Christ fall into the 6,000 year dinasours perished in the flood creation story.
I believe the creation story in Genesis tells us how god transformed man from beast. He breathed the spirit into him. Eating the fruit allowed Adam to know good from evil. Animals do not know they have done wrong inately. Without the knowledge of good and evil questions about Gods morality would be pointless. The real question is not why does God allow suffering, buy why does God allow us to suffer from the knowledge of it?
Gods traits are these:
Science attempts to duplicate these properties.
Unifield particle theory
Babel all over again.
If science can prove life from amino acid improved by competetive pressure into ever increasing complexity, why couldn't God have done so first?
First cause is a philisophical question, not a scientific one.