Hubby informed me that an announcement was made to his congreation not to approach us when we are out together. This was done at his request. Another way he can control me I guess. Another reason for his kingdummy associates to treat me as an apostate. Another reason for the elders to ask more of him to keep him away from me. He's already giving them 5 days a week. He spends more awake hours with them than with me. He can't use my attitude about the borg as we DO NOT talk religion. I would love to know what was said in the announcement.
Announcement made about me
by KariOtt 31 Replies latest jw friends
And they say they do not break up families lol. It must be horrible for you. But maybe you and your hubby can work round it by just avoiding religious topics. I really hope so for your sake.
alanv.… they are the masters at breaking up families. No we never ever talk religion anymore. He tries but I stop it everytime simply saying "lets agree to disagree as we don't even come close to the same belieifs"
Hubby informed me that an announcement was made to his congreation not to approach us when we are out together.
Interesting. I've never heard of such an announcement being made.
Could it be that HE is being shunned or has been marked for something and is trying to pull the wool over your eyes?
Hubby informed me that an announcement was made to his congreation not to approach us when we are out together.
I`ve never heard of that.....Sounds like a made up story..
You may want to investigate,to find out what the real truth is..
I'm with Lisa, I've never heard an announcement like that. Seems a bit fishy to me.
lisaBObessa...If he has been marked I'll never know. He'll never tell me the truth. I doubt that is the case as he hasn't lost privagles. He goes out in service twice a week has a bible study with the cordinating elder every week. He does a weekly study with his sister. He attends both scheduled weekly meetings at the dummy hall. He even has a talk comming up. He's their golden boy. Their chosen one. Along with his sister. Neither can do any wrong in their eyes.
No one even looks our way when were out together. I have personally witnessed this. Before they would always come over and chat. Not anymore.
Witness My Fury
Hubby is talking bollocks most likely and unless / until you have the story verified from someone who would honestly know about it you shouldnt even believe it.
Sounds like you are in an abusive relationship and need to get out.
Phone or visit the COBE and get his viewpoint.
I doubt that is the case as he hasn't lost privagles. He goes out in service twice a week has a bible study with the cordinating elder every week. He does a weekly study with his sister. He attends both scheduled weekly meetings at the dummy hall. He even has a talk comming up.
Isn't that all just normal JW stuff? I have been out a long time, but I thought 'privaleges' were things like running the mics, working the literature counter, being the greeter...?