Announcement made about me

by KariOtt 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • alanv

    My son is a JW and I would love him to talk about the religion but he never does now because I always end up making good points to him that he can't answer. There are many points that a JW has no answer for, so maybe just drop them in now and again. Some topics you just go round and round in circles like the trinity, immortality etc, but some things they just cannot deny.

  • konceptual99

    Are you DF'ed/DA'ed. Is there any real reason why ones in the hall should not approach you?


    lisaBObessa...If he has been marked I'll never know. He'll never tell me the truth.

    Your Husband in the Truth..Won`t tell you the Truth..


    ...............Welcome to Watchtower World..


    ......................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • KariOtt

    konceptual99...… I have never nor will I ever become a member of that bullshit of a false manmade so called church.

  • lisaBObeesa

    No one even looks our way when were out together. I have personally witnessed this. Before they would always come over and chat. Not anymore.

    Your husband is being shunned.

    There is not such thing is JW-land as an announcement made not to approach a JW only when they are with their unbelieving mate. There is just no such thing.

    If you are on speaking terms with any JWs, off to the side quietly tell them you noticed people are not talking to your husband and you are wondering if he is disfellowshipped or marked or something and what you can do to support him during this difficult time? I'm sure you will get your answer.

    (ETA: I'm not really sure if the above paragraph is a good idea or not. If you decide to do something like this, be very careful about word choice...maybe leave out the 'disfellowshipped' or 'marked' up your never-a-jw status...and run your plan by the folks here on this board before you try it.)

  • KariOtt

    lisaOBessa.…how could he be shunned? They keep asking more and more from him. He has talk #1 on 1\20\14 on Genesis 14:17-15:11. I'm looking at the tms assignment slip right now.

  • lisaBObeesa

    did he get the assignment slip before or after the 'announcement'?

  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Sounds like you need to get some more proof of the things your hubby is telling you. I've heard of people who went 'to work' everyday, while they were being fired weeks before but were too scared to tell their spouse. So is your hubby REALLY going into field service, or just saying he is?

    At least I agree with previous posters that there has never been such an announcement about 'not approaching a brother while he's with his never-a-JW-wife', this sounds like pure BS. He's trying to fool you, probably for 'control' reasons.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Wow... Asshole. Why are you together again? Maybe it's time to upgrade the wardrobe on his dime, hire a trainer, jump up a few ranks and get a man who actually respects you.

    Your choice to stay.

  • konceptual99

    Sounds like utter booshee to me. Noone is ever instructed not to approach a Witness and their unbeleiving mate. Can you find out the truth from someone in the congregation?

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