Announcement made about me

by KariOtt 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • KariOtt

    liasOBessa......after the announcement. As far as talking to other jws non will talk to me. His sister barely talks to me and only when she has to.

    bruja-del-Sol.……I'm sure he's going out in service. His sister is in a wheelchair and really only trusts my hubby to drive her.

    Captain Obvious..…believe it or not but he is still the love of my life. I just updated my wardrobe with 12 complete outfits. I want to wait to add more until spring and summer lines come out.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    If he has a bible study with an elder, he is in trouble. Elders do not study with active dubs unless there is a problem. Being allowed to give student talks on the school doesn't mean that he is not on the naughty list.

  • lisaBObeesa
    lisaBObeesa your husband a baptised JW?

  • KariOtt

    finally awake.....he's always had his bible study with the elder. Since he went back about 2 years ago.

    lisaOBeesa.…yes he has been a baptized member since 1978 when he joined.

  • SAHS

    It could be that this “announcement” was really something just inferred and hidden in the form of a “special local needs” talk, which would imply that you – or at least someone hypothetically similar to you being described in a beat-around-the-bush manner – have been placed in the “marked” category.

    Or, the only other possibility I can think of is that maybe you missed a few requests for a meeting with the elders and they eventually decided to try and convict you in absentia.

    Either way, high-handed and underhanded tactics have to be expected as the order of the day in such an authoritarian and totalitarian organization. You always have to keep one eye behind your back with them.

  • KariOtt

    SAHS….…can they mark an unbelieving spouse?

  • lisaBObeesa

    Another question for those more recently in: can a JW who is 'marked' give talks in the tms?

  • Finkelstein

    Hubby informed me that an announcement was made to his congregation not to approach us when we are out together.

    I'm calling BULLSHIT on that, sounds like something your husband dreamed up.

    A religious organization started and made upon lies creates people to do what ?

  • KariOtt

    I don't know what to believe anymore.

  • label licker
    label licker

    A few local needs were given to stay away from those not coming to the meetings and anyone questioning the fds already have the tendencies of being apostates. This was before we even had a hearing. Also, they went to most of the families in the hall and stirred up contentions along with lies. They also got our last hall involved and also called brothers who live ten hours away from us to be careful and if they knew of us talking against the fds. Finally, when all that failed, they went with the young ones in the hall especially the two that want to be elders sooooo bad. They were both made elders during and after hour hanging. None of these young accusers could remember what to tell us and one even had the nerve to ask the elders what it is they wanted her to say to us. It was disgusting to say the least.

    They will do what ever is in the moment and get away with it.

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