Making waves is so very difficult. But, when it is due to not comprimising your integrity, then somwtimes you have to make the waves. As gently as you can. You have given time and shown you can continue, but not without making waves in the process, then allowing the waves to settle verbally, but don't stop your own progress, just as some others here suggested. You have a resposibilty to your children to teach them to think for themselves. Some of that is teaching by example.
We must not be afraid of unknown consequenses when we are doing what we know is the right thing to do. After two years of confronting head onmy husbands desire to be baptised, I finally halted. The intinsity of his emotions ran too high, I was actually pushing him farther in. Since my own break in br9ing up the topic he has also taken a break in his progressing. This is so helpful even though we barely communicate on this subject, when we rarely do, he begins with his "created" perceptions, but I see the reality hitting him when reminded of his behavior during that time. Some of it is not refutable because it is documented. After a year now I am beginning to make waves again. I don't know how it will turn out and it scares the hades out of me. But I know our married life cannot continue on eggshells. I have learned a lot and now know not to cause himto "shut down" with an overload of information.
By going in FS you are not being true to yourself at all. An occasional KH appearance might not be too bad but a deep discussion about it, meaning questions left for her, and your children, to try to answer, would be great if you can pull that off. Questions with no acceptable WT answer can be powerful. ( Though you will likely get the emotional rote answers most of the time for a while, or always, you never know)
I concentrate on planting seeds fromnon JW things, mostly political, etc,. Things he begins with agreeing completely then a far off gaze enters into his face, and I know it hits a nerve of recognistion. That is usually when I stop or maybe say one or two more things then let it go. I am still unsure of the real effect it has. He is highly non-communicative, defensive, and suffers low self-esteem and severe depression. Slow is a key to the seed planting and allowing them to figure it out , if they want to. Emotion is what holds them in, not facts, or intellect. They have to want to allow themnselves to see the TTATT. Once that happens, the rest can be much faster, but highly painful.
This is clearly only my opinion as an outsider looking in.