My sister was invited to a Judicial Committee

by opusdei1972 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I love the lawyer route - many thanks for that advice.

    If it becomes necessary to protect my wife, I'll use that to slap the the BoE down.

  • Vidiot

    Data-Dog - "The Eldubs are under the delusion that they are champions of justice."

    Hard-boiled detectives and hotshot prosecutors, the lot of them!

    Oubilette - "The use of the word 'invitation' is notable..."

    Yup. Best example of unintentional irony I've seen yet.

  • Crazyguy
    So elders are now telling ones that if they don't go to meetings theyll be forced to go to a jc meeting?

    All joking aside, these Elders are deluded. I wish your sister could pin them down on the "judicial" issue.

    Are they going rouge and hunting down inactive ones now? After Tight-pants Tony's rant about inactive ones being marked for death, the Eldubs may be going overboard. 

    She may be able contact the CO. He may tell the Eldubs to cease and desist. He probably doesn't want his live complicated by any legal issue. Remember, there is one less layer between the GB and liability now. 


  • opusdei1972
      My sister doesn not attend the meetings just for two years. She now knows the truth about the "Truth". However, these elders have done six visits to her house  so as to know why, and she has exposed to them the many flip-flops in issues like organ transplants, blood ban, false prophecies, etc. So they could not convince her. But now, after some months, they have decided to visit her to announce her that there is a judicial committee waiting her this friday. My sister has health problems, too much secular work, so she does not deserve that two stupids elders create more stress in her life. Sadly, I don't live in the same country, otherwise I would  treat them as they deserve.
  • opusdei1972
    ....The problem is that my sister is too polite....
  • Vidiot

    Oubilette - "Are they going rogue and hunting down inactive ones now? After Tight-pants Tony's rant about inactive ones being marked for death, the Eldubs may be going overboard.

    Wouldn't surprise me.

    I don't know that they'd be getting explicit written instructions from HQ to do so (hell, we'd probably read it here first if they did, LOL), but I wouldn't put it past loyalist BOEs to interpret that particular broadcast that way and initiate little witch-hunts on their own.

    I've already told my wife to expect it, regardless.

  • Viviane

    I recommend the Ricky Defense.

  • Hortensia
    Why doesn't she just tell them to go fuck themselves?
  • JWdaughter
    There are legal service plans that are $20 a month. They will,for that $20, consult with you and write a letter for you. Cheaper than hiring a lawyer the old fashioned way. If you need a follow up, then they will charge (discounted from normal letter writing charge).  They are good for other things too-so you could get your families wills drawn up, a med. power of attorney (to make sure JW relative doesn't get power over you if ill) and consult about a lot of things for no hourly charge. Having a lawyer gives you power to get your right to not be harrassed by these idiots. One of the mottos is that they help you in all legal matters-trivial to tragic. Isnt it ironic that our dealings with the WT are both those things?. It is really all this trivial CRAP that often ends up being a tragedy to families as they are destroyed by their association with this organization.  

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