JW.org to be banned in Russia

by redvip2000 55 Replies latest watchtower bible


    From Jw.org:

    " Although jw.org is consulted by hundreds of thousands around the world and is highly regarded by researchers,..." LOL!! What researchers?!?! Are there any translated court documents to read? Why does the Russian court believe the site needs to be banned? What specific reasons are given?


  • hamsterbait

    The governments are all eager to control the internet, and our freedoms of thought and expression.

    If we do nothing when something we dislike is banned, eventually when the governments come after US there will be nobody left to support us.

    Let people make up their own minds.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Yep. While it's good that Russians won't be lining up to join, this has come as a result of a much larger initiative by Putin to gain control.

    Censorship = always bad

  • blondie

    If only the WTS would calm it down and not label all other religions false (Babylon the Great) and soon to be destroyed by the political entities (UN) on earth and then the governments will be all destroyed, they might create less problems. And then the WTS lies about this and governments find those statements in the WTS literature.

  • WTWizard

    Start prosecuting them for fraud. When you dedicate to joke-hova, you are coerced and tricked into signing a contract to do whatever that thing orders you to, no matter how unreasonable. And no matter if the rules change against you in the middle of the game. Baptism can be taken as a legally binding contract, similar to signing a paper contract, since they have official records of you having been baptized. So far, they haven't played that card--but, unless they are banned worldwide for fraud, that could be coming at any time and without warning.

    Or, maybe with the warning that Saturn is headed for Sagittarius on December 23, 2014, and will retro and return September 18, 2015. At which time, they might start doing that crap with isolated individuals, or en masse, with no further warning. Anything to further inflate their numbers and do the work of the enemies (the angels) to damn souls and trap them in damnation. I can only hope they are solidly banned for fraud before they can play that card.

  • steve2

    Excellent points BOTR.

  • Cadellin

    Regardless of how one might feel personally about JWs, this is chilling news. This is NOT Russia coming down on the side of reason, but returning to the era of thought-control and dictatorship. This is NOT a strike for cult-control but a blow to freedom of information. I don't think JWs have the "truth," and I DO think that they have a dangerous side. But it is anybody's right to decide whether they want to be one or not. Russia will censor JW.Org. Then UN.Org, university and scientific organization sites and, of course, search engines.

    There is a dramatic difference b/w JWs forbidding apostate websites and what Russia is doing. You still have free choice here. We can still speak out against oppression here and we are free to make our own stupid decisions, if we choose. Russia is one seriously f*cked-up country.

  • steve2

    This is NOT Russia coming down on the side of reason, but returning to the era of thought-control and dictatorship. This is NOT a strike for cult-control but a blow to freedom of information. I don't think JWs have the "truth," and I DO think that they have a dangerous side. But it is anybody's right to decide whether they want to be one or not.

    A succinct synopsis of what the central issues are.

  • snare&racket

    This is not good, I am for freedom of speech and thought, this wont help either, the JW's have been trained to salivate at persecution by their Pavlovian masters, dangling health cures, a house in paradise and even desd loved ones in fron of them at the ringing bell of 'persecution.

    Someone should tell JR Brown that higher education is good for research and tools in life likewise..... Maybe the WT persecution on education is a little unwarranted also.



    .............The WBT$ wants Freedom Of Religion but..

    ......Attacks the Freedom of Religion,for Other Religions..


    ..........The WBT$ Refuses to Follow the Law in Russia..


    ...................Is ..

    ......................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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