Authoritarian High Control Groups: Sometimes it takes one to know one to be banned in Russia
by redvip2000 55 Replies latest watchtower bible
Regarding the "highly regarded by researchers" bit, the WTS milks all the credit it can get from it's annual report. Unlike some denominations that tend to pad their memberships to report stunning "growth", the WTS records only publishers. Except for the memorial attendance, of course, which might be closer to other church counts of casual attendance.
Now, if researchers were to catch wind of how padded those publisher numbers are, there might be a new story to tell.
I may not understand you correctly jgnat, but the WT definitely counts all in attendance at every meeting whether a publisher or not.
Looks like they won the case, the JWs on instagram are having a field day with "Jah answered our prayers"
Yep, that Jehovah. Great defender of internet websites.
They will be sad about this in Brooklyn....
Appeal lasted about 7 Hours. Previous verdict was destroyed. Website remains open in Russia
this is a russian media site... throw it through google translate
So, compromise is a viable option!
In his speech, Gerry Simonson said that "Jehovah's Witnesses" do not deny the fact that the site had posted the materials prohibited for distribution in Russia.However, upon recognizing their extremist they are still judged in the case is currently before the Court. Meanwhile, the organization is always in compliance with the laws of Russia, and now all prohibited materials removed from the site.More precisely, especially for Russia created "mirror" of the portal, where there are no controversial books and publications. So he asked me not to close the whole site completely so as not to deprive the faithful the opportunity to read other non-extremist materials posted on it.
Suppressing freedom of thought and expression is something the JWs are experts at. So it's simply wrong to follow their same course and ban their stuff. We have to be different. Better. And freedom is what's better, in all cases. Without freedom, or the desire for it, how else could any of us have learned anything that woke us up in the first place? There will always be someone with an extremist belief or an irrational belief. Ban the JWs, even wipe them out entirely by some means--and there will be three more cults in place of them. The solution is not bans, but education. The more people know, the less irrational their beliefs will become over time.