It's better to hang out with Worldlies than Ex-Dubs. They're not as screwed up as us. I hang out at a small 'Cheers' type pub with a great bunch of people and get myself involved in their antics. Never say no if someone want a hand.
Meeting others????
by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest jw friends
Northern Indiana and man it is cold right now!!!
I know how you feel. Do you have any co workers that you can invite? I think the advice to make non jw friends is wise.
Too bad faders don't have a secret hand shake or password.
I know how you feel. I am pretty much in the same boat. I have no real life friends. The only people I talk to are my wife, my co-workers, and my JW parents maybe once a week. I cant talk to any JWs because their cult mindset permeates every nook and cranny of their being. Its damn near impossible to talk to them because "the truth" always comes up, the "new system" etc. I love my wife but sometimes she becomes intolerable too because of all the loaded language, and cult mentality which is now like nails on a chalkboard for me. And you can forget talking to my parents, they are even more cultish to be around. I also dont want to get close to anyone at the KH because I know I will lose them soon anyways. Yes I know I could go out and make non JW friends, but that is difficult because of my JW wife. She would be highly upset by this, and If I didnt care about upsetting her at this point, I would just stop going to the KH cold turkey tomorrow.
Like you DD, I simply want to be around people I can be MYSELF with, and it would be even better if I could be friends with someone here or someone who knows TTATT in general because we would already have an understanding of each other in a big way. Hardly anyone not raised in a High control group can truly relate to someone who was. You cant undrstand if you hadnt lived it.
I dont mind being alone, and dont mind my own company, however, I know it is bad for my emotional and mental health not to have a single person in life I can be honest with. My free time is spent here, JWfacts, and other sites devising ways to help my wife break free. I would be sooo thrilled If I could make significant progress with her. After the meeting yesterday I drank a Sam Adams, ate a Quesadilla and chili fries, and curled up in a ball under the covers. I usally handle the cult meetings pretty well but yesterday,... I dont know how to describe it but I had an intense frustrated feeling inside, and it let to tightness in my chest and then light chest pain. When I went downstairs to get some water, my wife and just turned 4 year old dughter were watching Sparlock :(. I dont know how long I can do this for. I know its not healthy, but I would rather continue trying to help my family, than to have it disentergrate.
DD, if you want to Skype, I will PM you my email address and we can go from there! I would love to actually TALK to a like minded individual, even though having someone you can actually hang out with in person and have a beer with is much better..
PS- I promise not to out you lol, I am in the same position. In reality, we would just be two KH attending baptised JW brothers talking lol! Nothing even a JW should bat an eyelash at.