Are you guys sure you are not using anectdotal evidence to prove a problem that may not be any greater than it is at the population at large? If we are going to use anecdotal evidence I would say that of the couple of hundreds of JW's that I know only one had a serious problem with alcohol, and that knowledge is actually based on rumor (may or may not be true). Sometimes I feel some people attacking JW's want to ascribe them all kinds of problems that are without basis. I don't see much evidence of alcoholism.
Plenty of the rank and file manage life very well without alcohol. Just yesterday I had a conversation with a relatively recent convert who is now a MS. In order to support his belief in God and trust in the Org. he used all kinds of fallacious and emotional arguments. Example, he said "I believe that we will have eternal life because just everyone one I have known doesn't want to die, God put that reluctance to die in our hearts for a reason" (I am not kidding). The man uses his faulty logic, instead of alcohol, to keep himself happy. He is truly a happy man. I believe that's the case of most JW's. I am sure there's few who need alcohol to cope with cognitive disonance, but I don't think they have a greater problem than other outside the confines of JW's world.