Why Is Alcoholism Deeply Embeded In JW Culture?

by RottenRiley 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I have known far more non-JW's, than I have JW's.

    I think alcohol can be a problem for anyone.

    Or food. Or drugs. Or television. Or facebook.

    They are hypocrites.

    JW life is not happy family life, no matter how many times they make their claims. They are not immune to worldly problems. They try to insulate themselves from society, and sit inside buildings with no windows, so they can pretend they are better than the world.

    I still remember the day the JW's gave us that book about how to have a happy family. What a joke.

  • RottenRiley

    Alcoholism and Jehovah's Witnesses did it emerge after they realized 1914 was a Hoax? Judge Rutherford who took the Vineyard from Russell and kicked out the true-heirs was pained over his actions and it poured out in his vitriolic writings? Yesterday while I took Mom to chemotherapy, my sister and her cboe-elder-shit4brains were driving around in Field Circus, I wish the community knew they enjoy driving around town with two recovered sex-offenders (the child sex offenders say they are cured because the Elders healed them???), it's a good life being a JW, put brain in trash-can and obey the almighty words of Tony "Tight Pants" Morris and all JWs in your Kingdum Hall rejoice!

    Why are the best dark writers so pained (No Rutherford, he sucked!)?

    Hemmingway, Cheever, Oscar Wilde, Hunter Thompson, James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald along with a host of many writers who brought us into their dark minds in college!

  • Rattigan350

    I don't and never have drank alcohol so it is not embedded.

  • Finkelstein

    Alcoholism may be too strong of a word but alcohol abuse is certainly there.

    What better way to relieve oneself from anxiety, stess, pressure and guilt than

    taking the approved and legal mental nerve stimulant. BOOZE

  • RottenRiley

    Drinking does not have the stigma it has in real Christian churches, I know elders who filed bankruptcy yet have they have real life size Bars in their house with $20,000 worth of expensive drinks. How can a Elder justify filing bankruptcy when he is still spending $300 a week on booze?

    Born-Again Conservatives would never tolerate the Stoic style heavy eatings and heavy binge drinking the brothers would do on get to gethers. I never judged them or spoke up because I thought I was too screwed up, did not feeL I should judge anyone when my house is not set in order and that's how the Organization get's us to compromise, we assume that Bethel has their house-in-order but it's far from true. People in the Kingdom Hall, the brothers had no problems around me, maybe that's why I was in the In-Crowd for decades until I spoke up and refused to let some bad people get away with bad things. The bad people are still in charge, I can't wrap my head around Jehovah allowing wicked men to remain in charge even though they have a reputation for lyings, stealing, theft and some have had sex outside their marriage but refuse to confess but it's ok for this men to attack the brothers and sisters who are meek with lessor offenses if they even did anything wrong, the crazy brothers get their rocks off by picking on the weakest links of the fence.

  • RottenRiley

    Drinking does not have the stigma it has in real Christian churches, I know elders who filed bankruptcy yet have they have real life size Bars in their house with $20,000 worth of expensive drinks. How can a Elder justify filing bankruptcy when he is still spending $300 a week on booze?

    Born-Again Conservatives would never tolerate the Stoic style heavy eatings and heavy binge drinking the brothers would do on get to gethers. I never judged them or spoke up because I thought I was too screwed up, did not feeL I should judge anyone when my house is not set in order and that's how the Organization get's us to compromise, we assume that Bethel has their house-in-order but it's far from true. People in the Kingdom Hall, the brothers had no problems around me, maybe that's why I was in the In-Crowd for decades until I spoke up and refused to let some bad people get away with bad things. The bad people are still in charge, I can't wrap my head around Jehovah allowing wicked men to remain in charge even though they have a reputation for lyings, stealing, theft and some have had sex outside their marriage but refuse to confess but it's ok for this men to attack the brothers and sisters who are meek with lessor offenses if they even did anything wrong, the crazy brothers get their rocks off by picking on the weakest links of the fence.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I no longer see alcoholism as a character flaw dealing with sin but an illness. Jehovah's Witnesses had a few alcoholics. They would have been alcoholics no matter their religion. Jesus was a wine connoiseur. We don't have the data to assume that it is deeply embeded in JW culture.

  • ShirleyW

    No, JW's certainly aren't the only group with a "few alcholics", which is an illness, but they certainly have a whole lot of "extremely heavy drinkers".

    A few folks here have shared there stories and a few have even said when they left the Borg they stopped drinking.

    I guess it deadens the pain when you're living a lie, trying to follow every insane rule that seven old guys in Brooklyn made up, wouldn't be surprised if few of them could benefit from a few AA meetings.

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