I agree with Farkel:
Bite Me Watchtower!!!
((((silentlambs, Pandelos and Barbara))))
by silentlambs 74 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with Farkel:
Bite Me Watchtower!!!
((((silentlambs, Pandelos and Barbara))))
It's Salem all over again. It worked for the WTB&TS back in the, what mid 70's, early 80's? It's an MO that works for them.
S/Would any one of you/us expect the WTB&TS to act differently? It's a deeply ingrained habit for them.
It appears that the WTB&TS and it's cronies will stop at nothing to silence people. "Discredit them with the maigical word 'apostacy' and we (the WTB&TS) have nothing to worry about." Forget 1963 -THIS one word IS the/ir MAGIC BULLET.
Notice any familiar characteristics?
A weird strange kind of cosmic thinking starts to take over once the ball starts rolling.
I had no choice, when I stopped growing up I started growing out.
I'm not getting fat, I'm just getting closer to the ground.
You said,
You lost BillFunny, I think Satan said something similar to Jesus as he hung on the cross.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]
HAve you considered posting it in the News Paper under human interests stories?
You have the right to do that here in California I don't know about all other states.
. http://www.newsday.com/mynews/ny-nywit082698508may08.story
Jehovah's Witnesses Allege Sexual Abuse
By Ron Howell
May 8, 2002
Some Jehovah's Witnesses say the group covers up widespread sexual abuse of children within the religion, which is headquartered in Brooklyn and known for sending adherents door-to-door to gain new members.
"Because of the closed community of Jehovah's Witnesses ... the whole issue of protecting sexual abuse among family members is very strong," said Barbara Pandelo, a Belmar, N.J., resident and a Jehovah's Witness.
Pandelo said that in 1988 her daughter was sexually molested by a relative who is also a Jehovah's Witness.
She is one of several critics from around the country who have been commanded by their local superiors to appear at special hearings. Pandelo and the others say they are being targeted because of their outspokenness, especially on sexual abuse of minors.
A national spokesman for Jehovah's Witnesses, which says it has 6 million members worldwide, categorically denied the allegations.
"You cannot be a known sex offender and hold any position of responsibility within the organization," said J.R. Brown, the spokesman. "We have a very strong and aggressive policy for handling any sexual molestation that might take place."
In Kentucky, William H. Bowen, a member, said Jehovah's Witnesses have created "a pedophile paradise" because of their tradition of secrecy and reluctance to seriously investigate abuse.
Bowen said that as an elder he tried to investigate a case of sexual abuse, but church leaders told him a year and a half ago "to leave it in God's hands."
Last year he started a Web site, www.silentlambs.org, on which he claims there are numerous cases of sexual abuse committed by members and covered up by officials.
"This is their way of getting rid of us," said Bowen, referring to the local hearings.
Bowen and Pandelo maintain that the tradition of ringing doors and proselytizing new members invites problems for the religion. .
"When Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door they talk to anybody," said Pandelo, a homemaker. "Many times people [who are recruited] bring these [sexually abusive] tendencies into the congregation."
Pandelo said that although she has not worshipped with her local congregation since 1998, she fears being excommunicated.
All practicing members, even her old friends and relatives, would be required to shun her, she said. "You're viewed as if you're dead."
At a Monday hearing, she and her husband, Carl, did not present a formal defense. "But we did draft a letter and presented them with it and left," she said.
Jehovah's Witnesses spokesman Brown said only one hearing has been held so far and no action has been taken yet against anyone.
Copyright © 2002, Newsday, Inc.
I agree with Farkel:
Bite Me Watchtower!!!
Not me. God only knows what you would catch. Besides, the horney old bastards would probably enjoy it.
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?
These WTS heads are real bullies. Years ago JWs could even read the books that former JWs wrote. That freedom though was taken away. Merely reading a dissenting work now also brands you an apostate. THEY are they apostates. Men who stoop to hide pedophilia are the lowest. They are all little Leo Greenlees-type Governing Body pedophiles by virtue of their coverup and allowing pedophile to go door-to-door, endangering everybody's children. Up with Jehovah, down with the Watchtower pedophiles, including those sitting in Brooklyn.
Did we all notice the so-called "airmail special" from the Watchtower Society questioning not just Bill's desire to get this wrong righted, but that of us all?! Yes, I know you did. Things are going to come out from other Kingdom Hall elders all over this land, the United States, and all over this planet. Let 'er rock!
BTW, why don't some of you in exJW Support Groups and who know other exJWs and Friends, car pool and get to Bill's conference? Maybe we need to start a thread just for that? A thread called something like: CAR POOLS FOR SILENTLAMBS CONFERENCE/VIGIL
. http://www.wpsdtv.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?/200205/08+00KY_news.html+20020508+news
Bowen fights excommunication for criticizing witnesses
Ernie Mitchell,
NewsChannel 6
"Children are being hurt by the policies of this organization. The typical Jehovah's Witness is unaware of this unless their child is molested,"
A Jehovah's Witness who resigned as an elder will fight excommunication Friday. Bill Bowen is former presiding overseer, or pastor, of Jehovah's Witnesses at Draffenville. Bowen publicly denounces policies he says protect child molesters by refusing to reveal their confessions to police. Church officials have called Bowen to answer charges he is causing divisions within the congregation. Bowen says he will fight to remain a member, so he can support child abuse victims within the church. "I still consider myself to be a Jehovah's Witness in good standing," Bowen says.
Bowen says leaders want him "disfellowshipped," the group's term for excommunication, for starting his Silent Lambs.Org computer site in March, 2001.
Bowen says the site produces 30 to 40 E-mails daily about sexual molestation within the membership. He says witnesses have been kicked out for revealing members' admissions of child sexual abuse made to panels of lay elders. Members at Bowen's old Kingdom Hall in Draffenville say the church does not bar them from reporting abuse. They say they may council abusers to report their actions to authorities. But they admit discouraging members from telling just anybody. "The difference between needless gossip, let's say, and withholding information from those who have a right to know is two different things completely," says Jehovah's Witness Bruce Waite.
Bowen wants Silent Lambs.Org to break down a code of silence he says was instituted by his church. "Children are being hurt by the policies of this organization. The typical Jehovah's Witness is unaware of this unless their child is molested," Bowen says.
J.R. Brown, national Jehovah's Witness public information director, says proceedings against Bowen are confidential.
okey dokey JR What you got...
Watchtower has stated they wish to reveal no information about the upcoming judicial hearing being conducted against those who are on the Dateline program. They say they are confined to “ecclesial privilege” and are unable to offer to the public any information other than it is not related to silentlambs but has to do with some other infraction that breaks God’s law. With the statement below we ask Watchtower to release to everyone any charges or information about breaking God’s law they have against Carl and Barbara Pandelo, Barbara Anderson, and William H. Bowen. We have a notarized copy of this statement that has been faxed to Watchtower Public Information and to anyone else who requires a copy. We categorically deny any infraction against God’s law and demand WT release the basis for these judicial hearing. We hereby waive our “ecclesial privilege” and ask for the public to know the actual evidence and charges against us.
Carl and Barbara Pandelo
Barbara Anderson
William H. Bowen
I William H. Bowen hereby release any
personal and all confidential information within confidential files or any evidence
to be offered by testimony from witnesses in writing or otherwise held by the
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. or by any of their
representatives. I welcome and demand that any information relating to my
judicial hearing be released to the public and press to answer any questions
regarding my standing before God, my personal conduct, or any question
regarding my personal honor and integrity.
Bill, I admire your strength (along with Barbara Anderson's and the Pandelo's). My blood boils as I read all this BS! I just realized how very much I hate the WTS for all the hurt that they have caused! I am so glad that I finally woke up. I hope that many others will as well! Keep up the good work!