...What do you Do,when People Ask You for Spare Change?...

by OUTLAW 91 Replies latest jw experiences


    I swear I think men see giving large cash amount on dates as proof of character.....BOTR

    I think it`s a sign they are unaware of the dangers around them..

    "Hey that guy carrys a lot of Cash!"

    It`s a good way to get robbed the next time they`re recognised..


    ...........................I want your Shoes Too!!..


    .................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • ShirleyW

    Well, living in NYC and riding the subways daily I have a laundry list of stories/scams I could tell you, when you ride the same train at the same time you usually run into the same people.

    The latest scam appears to be a group of Romanians who ride the subway, always a girl with a baby strapped to her holding up a sign begging for money, funny thing is although it's always a different girl, the cardboard sign they hold up is written perfectly, nice block letters, similar to what cue cards looks like, how does that happen when apparently you have no money for food or shelter but the signs are so perfectly written and they're all similar? Also, some of them ride the trains and play an accordion (a guy), while usually it's a little boy that goes from passenger to passenger with the hat, and sometimes there's a woman there also, with the kid strapped on her plus the kid and the accordion, must be a family affair..

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    homeless people need iPhones. I can't afford one myself, but I see people using iPhones, while using their food stamp debit card.

    Obama actually does give out free phones. I've met people who have them. Of course, they also have their iPhones, for when the Obama phone runs out of airtime.

    Until recently, you could get cash out of ATMs at strip clubs and liquor stores, at least in Michigan.



    I was driving my truck down a ramp and stopped at a red light. I see a young bum with a sign that read, '' I won't lie. I need money for a drink.''

    I've been burned so many times with people asking for money that now I just walk on by or drive away.

    Once while driving downtown a man with his hood open stops me and tells me that he ran out of gas. He had his wife and two small children with him waiting on the side of the road. I give him $5 to walk to the gas station with his gas can. He asks me if I can give him $10. That at least give him a few gallons of gas. I tell him that's all I have on me.

    I get in my car and drive away. I drove over the bridge and stop to see what he was up to. I observed him still standing by the road with his car hood still open and stopping other drivers. I knew that he was scamming me with his whole family behind him.

  • AlphaMan

    Just returned from a trip to Las Vegas and was shocked at the amount of people begging for money. One guy had a sign that said you could kick him in the nuts for $10.

  • quellycatface

    You give someone "some spare change" in my home town and they'' just buy drugs or cheap booze. Up to you.

  • minimus

    i say, no thanks.




    Thats kinda funny..Professionally made signs for begging..LOL!!..


    Rules and Regulations..

    At least some people are honest about what they want the money for..LOL!!..

    I met a guy up at the gas station..

    He starts in with some small talk..Then asks me for gas money..

    To get where he`s going he needs about $250-$300..


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    Bargin him down to $2.00..

    Thats a Buck a Nut!..LOL!!..



    They want money..

    They aren`t offering you money..LOL!!..

    ..................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I either don't look or if they do catch my attention I just say sorry.

    I realize that sounds cold but I'm fine with contributing to organizations that can help these folks. Frankly I believe that many are drug addicts looking for their next fix and I don't want to enable them. On a very rare occasion, I've given a few bucks and while I likely got conned, they presented such a compelling story that I gave them something.

    Now, I was in a 3rd world country one time that had no social net. There were beggers and we knew about it going in. These folks were not drug addicts and were starving. We brought power bars and the like (a whole case actually) and handed them to the folks discreetly. It was sad because they gobbled them up. It was likely their only meal for maybe a few days. While there, we also gave candy to kids we saw but that's entirely different.

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