There are not enough resources locally. It was plain when I volunteered in the Hospitality Ministry at the Anglican cathedral. My family barely made it. I had to go into the ghetto for KH. I saw things I wish I had not. Also, I worked for legal services in college. We tried to organize a rent strike at a building in Harlem. Every tenant was a welfare recipient. The housing violated so many sections of NYC"s Housing Code. I kept stomping my feet to scare away rats. B/c welare paid the rent, we could not do the rent strike. The strike would have allowed the tenants to use their rent money to make repairs.
I always returned to my housing with new appreciation. Every KH meeting, I returned to a palace.
I volunteered at a food pantry. The food is laden with fats and carbohydrates.
People talk about Welfare Queens. From what I've seen, I would rather work any day of the week.