that reminds me of learning about grammar in school, learning, justifying after the act, an act done right since we were toddlers.
Heart vs Mind - What Makes Us Human
by ballistic 44 Replies latest jw friends
Education is a misunderstood panacea.
Psychotherapist understand that you can educate a person about their neurosis, resistance, anxiety or whatever maladaptation you want to call it but that won't cure them. Therapy fails if all it consists of is hours and hours of what Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapist) called mind-f##cking.
Sooner or later the patient (subject) whatever, needs to have an experience that involves their whole body to restructure their emotional reactions.
On a societal level there is a big lesson. Humans will not quit the war business until they practically anhilate themselves.
That's the theme of the Bible. The final lesson isn't a battle of good against evil but escaping the battle royale of evil against evil.
The survivors will be those who can help each other. "By this all will know you are my disciples"
Once the world experiences this they will get the "lesson" which because it is an experience, surpasses the superficial cognitive cortex layer that we label "education" and goes all the way to our core and transforms human behavior.
Jgnat .I was responding to the question, as per topic. NOT about the modern multi/ faceted modern brain ,or about brain injury, but rather how we became human; heart vs mind. this must take us way back to our evolutionary development.
Ballistic seemed to imply ;feeling first, thought/brain subsequently "bolted on". My point is simply, how can you have feeling without a sensory organ?.
Gut feeling(intuition) has obviously got nothing to do with the physical 'gut' but that feeling is entirely controlled by the brain and by way of the nervous system to give that gut feeling, (primitive evolution to ensure best way of survival). Development of this process eventually led to our brains becoming cognitive.
So I.M.O. what makes us human is the development of our brain(sensory organ) to have the capacity of reason/understanding/intellect.
Heart vs mind?....mind/brain/sensors first wins. Emotions (heart) comes after in our development as humans as the importance of nurturing/caring became more essential for our wellbeing as a species. In my humble opinion of course.
new hope and happiness
An interesting thread, which i could comment more but i am still only getting over my AWAKE education.
Scotoma, I have higher hopes than that. Haidt has a dotted line of influence from the rational to the intuition. Sometimes the rational mind influences our intuition. I think this is what we see when an exiting Witness has a cascading demolition of belief, a revelation that reshapes all their former conventions.
Galaxie, I am going to win this argument. Creatures with very limited reasoning powers still nurture their young. We don't care for the vulnerable because it is logical (sometimes it isn't). We do it because it is innate (instinctive/intuition). When people are flashed images to elicit a visceral response, the part of their brain that lights up first is the intuition. Reason is a slow second, and it might change the subject's answer. It is definitely intuition first, reason tacked on after.
Jgnat , from where did the intuition spring from?
I do not believe nurturing was solely developed in humans, I used it in respect of the human aspect of the point.
Intuition is from our mind but it is not from our reasoning side. It is inarticulate so we are barely aware of its existence. If simpler animals have nurturing instincts but limited reason in it follows that intuition was developed first.
new hope and happiness
Myself as a person i instinctively feel my univerce i dont rationalize it , my heart tells me those i love will love me forever, but my sences realize the boundaries my heart rules my feeling world, and this stops at death for both heart and mind. ( see i did contribute despite my awake education)
Jgnat. Intuition:..instinctive KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge :...facts or experiences
How do we gain KNOWLEDGE whether it be instinctive(primitive cautionary awareness of surroundings hazards or beneficial aid to survival) which is now built in to our wiring BRAIN! or phsych if you like.
Yes intuition may well have developed first, but by what method: there had to be a sensory organ to process and allow that development.
I 'm sure your not suggesting it was by supernatural means?
I agree with your point about nurture.