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Heart vs Mind - What Makes Us Human
by ballistic 44 Replies latest jw friends
I am responding to your question, with my own reasoning. Which comes from my brain, a very human thing to do , don't you think?
Are you convinced by this video? What about your own reasoning?.You are human after all.
I thought not.
I took the time to respond to your question and gave my answer.
I note you have not responded to mine .Oh well that's being human for you.
As we begin to live we are acted upon by doctors, parents, strangers, society at large.
How we process those actions comes from our 5 senses.
The human brain divides up sensations and labels them temporarily.
It isn't too different from being presented with a large pizza and nibbling one bite at a time.
PROVISIONALLY, a bite could contain "only cheese," the provisional label would read: Cheese Pizza.
The next bite includes onion and bellpepper.
PROVISIONALLY each bite updates the CONCEPT: Cheese Pizza: with onion, bellpepper, etc. etc.
Our contact with the outside (food, people, weather, animals) is somewhere on a vast grayscale of Pleasure. . . .. . .to. . . . . .Pain
We label according to each SENSORY contact and form a CORE VALUE.
Eventually our EMOTIONS become a beacon to alert us to the relative strength of our VALUES.
We "evaluate" each experience and update our concepts and reinforce or mitigate our emotion's values.
LOVE, for example, is an encounter with the greatest instance of all our strongest VALUEs.
Where humans often become confused is when they are not rationally and cognitively aware of the connection between VALUE and EMOTION.
Emotions are not sources of new information. Emotions are a signal of the accumulated information already processed (whether while alert or subconsciously.) Yes, we absorb "values" simply by being around others. It is a passive accumulation and is not necessarily thoughtful.
You could end up hating a person of another race without ever having actually met them simply by subconsciously absorbing your family's opinion and prejudice, for example.
(Civil Rights Era example)
When those little black girls were ready to be the first blacks admitted to white elementary schools the crowds of whites--WHO HAD NEVER MET THEM--hurled insults and felt actual hatred.
However. . .
Once their own sons and daughters go to meet them as real persons--the actual experience of rational evaluation began.
Slowly, most white people discovered there was absolutely no rational reason to treat black people differently.
The VALUATION changed slowly over time. The emotions triggered became more and more rational and compassionate.
Today, it is not tolerated publicly that a racial prejudice be spoken aloud in the company of others.
That is a long way from Birmingham.
My Point?
Our Emotions are best analyzed and connected to our values consciously to be of true service to us.
Otherwise, they may trigger a signal totally at odds with reality and you may confuse it for some kind of deep "truth."