NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"

by sir82 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Thanks for the quotes, Blondie.

    "elders endeavor to visit disfellowshipped individuals who are not actively engaged in wrongdoing"


    "wrongdoing" = you're brain is functioning, you don't worship the governing body, and, if you read the Bible, it is without referencing WT literature.


    "These elders will need wisdom and discernment to determine whether there is indication of repentance and whether a follow-up visit would be advisable. They should bear in mind, of course, that some disfellowshipped persons will never be ‘revived to repentance"


    Really? If elders had "wisdom" and "discernment" they wouldn't be elders. Hell, they wouldn't even be Jehovah's Witnesses!

    "some disfellowshipped persons will never be ‘revived to repentance" = they no longer wish to be slaves to a cult, posing as a religion, but in reality is a self-serving publishing and real estate empire.

  • Blackbird Fly
    Blackbird Fly

    Personally this doesnt bother me. I would LOVE for them to come calling. I want them to see how happy I am away from them! I doubt they come around or call but if they do Ill be all smiles and very upbeat. The last time they came around I gave them their visit and said all the 'right' things. Hell, I even cried a little. I talked about the great pain and loss I felt over losing a very dear family member to Cancer. They never follow up called or returned. That was last year a week before the memorial. The Memorial was the last meeting Ive been to. Its been a successful and uninterrupted fade. Any GB mandated visit will be too little & too late. BRING IT!

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    As I suggested, I suspect that most people on JWN would not fit into the category of those to be visited on the grounds it would be a waste of time for those who have learnt TTATT. But sewing the seeds of reinstatement for those who are susceptible is straight out fo the Watchtower BITE playbook because getting them back in after having been df'd makes them easier to hang on to because having gone through the hell of being df'd they are terrified of facing that again. That was certainly the case for my wife. She became much more of a zealot after she was reinstated compared to before she was df'd.

  • punkofnice

    During such visits, elders act in harmony with the real purpose of discipline by outlining the steps needed for a person to return to the Christian congregation.

    No scriptures cited because the process is not biblical. 'Real purpose' now there's a telling phrase!

    I call cult on this organization.

  • SAHS

    The WTS just wants to take inventory of who they think they can salvage and discard the rest. That’s really all it’s about. Taking inventory.

  • Oubliette

    "elders endeavor to visit disfellowshipped individuals who are not actively engaged in wrongdoing"

    And just HOW exactly would they know if someone is "engaged in wrongdoing" or not if they are shunned and ignored for extended periods of time?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    And just HOW exactly would they know if someone is "engaged in wrongdoing" or not if they are shunned and ignored for extended periods of time?


    Elders, as "glorious ones", can read hearts...from long distances, and without any contact.

  • wannabefree

    There was a brother in the congregation that I attended who was disfellowshipped a few weeks ago, he faded fifteen years ago! This may not be the norm, but if you are a baptized Witness and faded, you are never free from the Watchtower as far as they are concerned. Fifteen years! He hadn't been to a meeting, no memorial, his wife was disfellowshipped shortly before he stopped attending ... fifteen years later disfellowshipped!

  • RubaDub

    ... fifteen years later disfellowshipped!

    There has to be more to the story than this.

    Perhaps the elders came by on a shepherding call and he told each of them to shove one of the new magazine carts up their respective butts.

    Rub a Dub

  • wannabefree

    I'm sure there is more to it, I plan a visit to find out more details, whatever it was though, he and his wife and children had absolutely nothing to do with the JW's for all that time (he does have a sister who is a JW) ... I'm just sayin', if you are baptized and simply faded, as far as the elders are concerned, you are a JW and they will exercise their influence should they choose to ... shouldn't come as a suprise though since CT Russell was recently posthumoulsy demoted from being a member of the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

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