NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"

by sir82 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    shouldn't come as a suprise though since CT Russell was recently posthumoulsy demoted from being a member of the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Yes, I heard from a brother in Pittsburgh that when the CO visited a local congregation, they had the elders meeting at the cemetary where CT Russell is burried.

    Before the final prayer, they all urinated on his headstone.

    Rub a Dub

  • RagingBull

    Such personal interest springs from genuine friendship and
    brotherly affection.—Rom. 12:10; 1 Thess. 2:7, 8.

    Funny how they're TOLD how to project something that should emote automatically from within.

  • MrFreeze

    If you push back enough eventually elders will leave you alone.

  • molybdenum

    One piece of information about the origin of shepherd was interesting:

    Source: Online Etymology Dictonary

    Old English sceaphierde, from sceap "sheep" (see sheep) + hierde "herder," from heord "a herd" (see herd (n.)). Cf. Middle Low German, Middle Dutch schaphirde , Middle High German schafhirte , German dialectal Schafhirt .

    Shepherds customarily were buried with a tuft of wool in hand, to prove on Doomsday their occupation and be excused for often missing Sunday church.

    Watch out, they may be after your hair on the next shepherding call

  • bigmac

    ive been shot down for saying this before--bring it on:-

    the elders are the ( voluntary--unpaid ) middle managers of this cult.

    so --any extra work--stress--GOOD

    might make a few more take a long hard look at what they are willingly doing.

    just say --- NO

  • jgnat

    so --any extra work--stress--GOOD - bigmac

    I agree

    Also, every elder should take out Pastoral Insurance.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Does anyone think that they read posts here? My family faded. Only my mom was baptized. She told the brothers not to bother us at home. A ditzy brother came to our door and boomed his voice, asking if she loved him. We told our JW relatives that the whole block could hear. I was at home, hiding so I could not be seen. Ah, he was so funny. He evidently came on his own. I had the belly laughs.

    Under this new policy, we could not fade. It is chilling. Of course, it heightens the assertion that the Witnesses are a cult.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Thank you for posting this letter. I would agree with several here that it is simply the requisite "do your job" letter. No elder that I know of will actually do anything different...why? What for? There is absolutely nothing inherently valuable in serving as an elder except for the prestige that comes with the title and the "privilege" of having a captivated audience who are forced to sit there are listen to your drivel.

    In other news, from a fairly reliabe source, there is another letter that directs the same BOE to assign brothers to their respective groups and post the group assignments on the information board. They are only to assign "active" brothers and sisters. I haven't seen this yet in my hall, but I would imagine that it will simply disenfranchise or marginalize those that have gone inactive quietly. Now, if this is the actual direction of the GB to the elders, every single person in the congregation will know who has gone inactive and those people will be outed. It is, again, a contradiction. On one hand, "reach out to the inactive" on the other "make sure everyone knows who is inactive." When the congregation knows just who is inactive, then the shunning will begin, the looks, the comments, the is all an attempt at control.

    I simply wonder what Jesus thinks of all this....He must be scratching his head, "where did they get THAT?"


  • Oubliette

    Separation of Powers: I simply wonder what Jesus thinks of all this....He must be scratching his head, "where did they get THAT?"

    He's dead.

  • Laika

    This could become a problem if the GB try to make it a big thing that they start raising constantly, perhaps make new elders aware this a task expected of them. As it gets harder to convert outsiders the GB may feel the focus needs to be to get stricter on hardening insiders and the fringe. Hopefully they'll put too much pressure on and it will all collapse.

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