Seraph. Have you taken an interest in much debate about belief/ non belief in god.
The theists/deists constantly ask for proof from science of the non existence of god as a counter argument.thats putting the proverbial 'cart before the horse'.
If you don't see belief that god exists as a theory, how do you rationally explain the existence. Even belief through faith is no more than guess work.
You say you can't get proof of something material from something immaterial, do you therefore discount the accounts in the bible where that has supposed to have occurred?
You say there can be no proof for miracles, why do theists/deists believe them? Do they just like supernatural fairy stories.
You say if you believe its down to your own judgement? Would it not be more intelligent/productive to have something concrete to base it on.
Science should be congratulated for at least trying to give an answer no matter how long it takes.