Theism Makes Science Impossible

by cofty 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • galaxie

    Hi, Humbled I would never say that people should not pray or automatically cry out whether within or audibly in times of crisis or need.

    E.G I find myself inwardly hoping/wishing that my son who works in the oil industry will return safe and well to his family.

    I am almost making a plea to all the circumstances which will allow that to happen ie favorable weather, his own safety awareness, a well maintained chopper etc.

    But my plea, hope , wish even prayer if you like is not based on the supernatural. My hope that all will be well, will be absolutely down to natural and humanistic causes.

    The soldier in the trench may pray , cry out to be safe that is part of being human, but what will guarantee his safety?

    It will be the fact that all bullits missiles miss him and that he avoids capture. God will have nothing to do with it.

    Remember theists must believe that god looks after his enemy also .

  • DJS


    Based on the definition of delusional, it wouldn't fit a theist unless they were exposed to and understood the evidence that refutes the belief. A 4 year old chld who believes in Santa isn't delusional because they haven't been exposed to the truth that Santa doesn't exist or if they were aren't old enough yet to differentiate. A cognizant adult theist who is exposed to the facts about the universe and the irrationality of the existence of a god who then continues to believe would, in most opinions, be delusional. That isn't being mean.

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