Is This Current Governing Body As Bad As Previous Ones!

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Anyone that takes themselves too seriously , I seriously go out of my way to avoid,

  • kneehighmiah

    The old GB seemed to hide behing the scenes. This new GB is attempting to be charismatic leaders. This produces apathy or revolt in countries like the US, but fervor and zeal in 3rd world uneducated countries. I was in a South American country during a recent GB visit, the first one in years. It was insane. A long line of people who wanted pictures and to just shake his hand. The americans and bethelites didn't really care. we in america don't like being told what to do. 3rd world countries love dictators.

  • RubaDub

    Hard to compare the groups from one time to another ... the game is played differently today than it was, for example, back in the early 1980's.

    The 1984 group had 3 hall of famers so it's tough to compare them to the ones today.

    We need the luxury of time to truly compare the current group and their records as they end their careers.

    Rub a Dub



    ...............................The New WBT$ GB Popes are..

    ...........................................Rock Stars!!..



    ............................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    Those guys look weird.

  • sspo

    They are all crooks and deceivers. Not any different than the previous ones.

    There is no way at the end of the day down deep in their hearts they really believe that "Jehovah" is using them for anything.

    But they are being treated like kings and enjoying every minute of it.

  • Vidiot

    In my experience, when the leadership of an authoritarian high-control group lets itself become increasingly idolized, the writing's on the wall...

  • Hortenzie

    I think that the old GB members actually believed their made up lies. The new members know it's all lies (the ease in changing all the important doctrines to fit new set of circumstances betrays them) and that's why they are worse.

  • minimus

    I tend to think the new GB actually believe they are special.



    ................................If your Important Enough..


    .........................The WBT$ GB Rock Star Popes Will..

    ..................................Autograph Your Bible!!..




    ................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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