Run, Run, Run away!!!
3 years of study, Just found out!
by impala63rag 137 Replies latest jw friends
I will be short and to the point. This religion is all about a relationship with the organization and has nothing to do with a relationship with God.
Run, run, run away. You cannot trust what your study conductor says because they are more deceived than you. They can only pass on the same deception. I did it to people like you for 32 years and I regret it.
We never studied from the WT or Awake. Stictly from the Bible. Which I love! We usually have a topic that comes to mind in conversation and go with it. As for the "What does the Bible really teach" we really haven't gotten far in it. About halfway.
That's strange. They usually try to get you studying their publications as soon as possible.
My mother, sisters have never met my daughter. Why? I disagree with some of their teachings. Ask the jw if once babtised and I disagree with the governing body and talk to people about it what will happen to all my friends at the Kingdom Hall. If they are honest they will say you will be disfellowshipp and no one will ever talk to you...thousands on here are going through the exact same thing. Also as was said look up You will not believe all the things jws believe and once believed. They have said the end of the world would happen in 1914, 1918, 1925 and other dates. Ask them if they said the generation that was born before or on 1914 would never die.. Don't let them fool you jwfacts has all the watchtower quotes With dates you can look up. Sad to say many jws don't even know about these dates because they are never told about them just like yourself. It is hidden. Look up the bite model online under cult mind control. Your eyes will begin to be opened.
This is all very disapointing. We have developed such a wonderful friendship over the years. Even more important, my relationship with God and an understanding of the Bible has grown stronger than it ever has. I really don't know what to do.
"That's strange. They usually try to get you studying their publications as soon as possible."
I know they wanted me to read those, but I was adamant about studying from the Bible. I actually made it very clear that I was not interested in becoming involved with a religious denomination because in my opinion they all seem to take an excerpt from the Bible and build a church on it.
I'd suggest continuing to check what their own publications say. Then you can make an informed decision.
One thing to be aware of is that it isn't like mainstream religions when you can call yourself a member but disagree with some of the teachings or not fully participate. Either you're in or you're out. From their own words:
Revelation 3:16 'So, because you are lukewarm---neither hot nor cold---I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
There's a lot more sinister stuff that goes on with this religion than meets the eye. Terrible, terrible things. But please verify this for yourself.
Example you may find interesting: Watchtower's 2012 DVD, Become Jehovah's Friend - Listen, Obey and Be Blessed.
You had been programmed for three years. You have to deprogram yourself. Do research on JW, go to a few more meetings, ask controversial question and see for yourself what they tell you.
Regarding the friendship, it will end as soon as you stop going along with their indoctrination. ALL of us who used to be JW lost family members and friends after leaving. I, personally, lost 100% of my friends. They don't even look at me when I run into them...
P.S. And DO read their publications. By studying the Bible you won't learn about the JW organization.
Just read the opening two paragraphs of this week's WT study and ask yourself just who really guilty of duplicity, misleading statements and outright lies? Consider some of the heart-wrenching life stories of jw-net members and I believe you will find the answer.
I studied with a wonderful JW couple weekly for 3 years. During this time, it was never mentioned that the church REQUIRED it's members to say, do and think a certain way.
This couple were just using you to count their time in field service , or didnt you know that either.Studying for 3 years , no meetings , no WT publications , only the bible where they controlled what scriptures to cherry pick ? You have been greatly deceived by the masters of deceit.
Dont be fooled by "how nice they are " they will drop you like a hot potato once you start questioning them on articles they have printed in their publications. This site , one of the best I might add , is only one of dozens of sites with thousands of people scarred by the practices of jehovahs witnesses . They include ex Elders,Ministerial Servants ,like myself , Cicuit overseers ,Missionaries , etc.etc. Educate yourself my freind before you become another victim.
Here is an easy test. If you have the truth you would have no fear of lies. Go to and ask them to look it over with you and show you where he is lieing. I can almost guarantee you that they will refuse and if you keep trying leave ASAP. Truth has nothing to be afraid of.