The first two paragraphs alone got my back up and I couldn't continue. 'The media and internet tell untruths about JWs and deceive the gullible.' What about the WT publications with their own loyal readership?
God's Kingdom Has Approached (1973) chap. 17 p. 353-4 par. 45-47 The “Slave” Who Lived to See the “Sign”
The eight-day general convention held at Cedar Point, Ohio, on September 1-8, 1919, was a notification to all the world that the invisibly present Lord Jesus Christ was regathering his faithful “sheep.” It indicated to the world who it was that the returned Lord Jesus had found to be his “faithful and discreet slave” class. This made the “slave” class happy. It meant their being retained in the service of their heavenly Master. ...
47 The Lord Jesus pronounced the “faithful and discreet slave” happy because of what awaited him as a reward for his doing as his master appointed him to do. He gets a promotion, with larger responsibilities toward the master to whom he is so faithful. ...
Never true, either under the old understanding (even the Bible Students knew nothing about a slave 'class' until 1927) or the new one (there was never a promotion in 1919). Which category for this one? Hoax? Scam? Deception? Lie?
Organized to Do Jehovah's Will (2005), p. 18
There are many reasons to have complete trust in the slave class. First and foremost, Jesus has appointed them over all his precious "belongings." This is a clear indication that he has complete trust in them. [italics in the original]
Not true. Which category? Hoax? Scam? Deception? Lie?
w11 11/1 p. 28 When Was Ancient Jerusalem Destroyed?—Part Two
[N. 18a on VAT 4956] ... Though the cuneiform sign for the moon is clear and unambiguous, some of the signs for the names of the planets and their positions are unclear. (Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy—Astrology, by David Brown, published 2000, pages 53-57) Because of this, the planetary observations are open to speculation and to several different interpretations.
Not true. Brown's reference indicates otherwise. Both WT articles are peppered with various untruths and misrepresentations of the facts. 607 BCE as the date of Jerusalem's fall by Nebuchadnezzar is demonstrably untrue. So which category do these WT articles fall into? Hoax? Scam? Deception? Lie?
g94 11/8 p. 10 The Real Significance of 1914
AS INDICATED on page 4, “this magazine builds confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.”
No doubt many of our readers find that statement surprising. ...
... This time of the end is, however, to be a relatively short period—stretching over one generation. (Luke 21:31, 32) The fact that we are now 80 years beyond 1914 indicates that we can soon expect the deliverance that God’s Kingdom will bring.
'Creator's promise'? The one generation who actually saw the events of 1914 would not pass away? The same generation that's now dead? How short is 'short'? 20 years? 100?
Which category would this fall into? Hoax? Scam? Deception? Lie?
These are a mere sampling. Before damning the media and internet (or 'apostate' boogeymen) for any real or perceived untruths, first get your own house in order, Watchtower!