Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-09-2014 WT Study (QUICKLY SHAKEN)

by blondie 36 Replies latest jw friends


    FUBM said," If the WBTS and the rank file loved the truth and actually undertsood what that word meant then the WBTS wouldn't exist!"

    If speculation and questionings stopped, the WTBTS would not exist. At some point, the GB had to speculate on why the generation of 1914 was passing away, yet the "END" was not here. This speculation supposedly brought about "research" which then revealed the nu-light about the overlapping generation. They also speculated about the identity of of the FDS "class" and whether or not it had truly been placed over Christ's belongings.

    So speculation in itself is not wrong. The problem is speculation that is passed along as truth. The RCC and everyone else speculated that the Sun revolved around the Earth. It was speculation because they did could not prove it one way or the other. The real problem was when those religious leaders refused to admit being wrong about speculating. They compounded their guilt by persecuting anyone who knew they were wrong and spoke about it openly. The GB is the same today. Instead of explaining how speculation is useful to gaining truth, they simply made blanket statements to induce fear. I believe that fear is a projection of their own fears about dying. Of course they want to save face too, but they are on deck, so to speak. The "END" is not here. They will have to speculate some more...


  • WTWizard

    Judgment against those who "do not know God"? Does this mean that anyone can be destroyed simply for minding one's own business and trying to work on improving oneself? It is more than "apparently so"--this is blatant. Joke-hova will not tolerate us minding our own business. And don't even think of trying to secure oneself materially--joke-hova hates that, too. Rather, we are to, at great hardship to ourselves, go out in field circus and make sure we are doing all we can do (not reasonably can do, absolutely can do) or be destroyed.

    In addition to the fact that the washtowel is playing up the scare tactic, the LIE-ble itself is pointing toward our being enslaved. Why else would joke-hova require us to give up everything for itself, and destroy us for simply trying to live our own lives? This proves that the curse on this book of damnation goes past the Jewish Old Testament and continues right through the whole thing. It simply is not safe to have that damn book in your home, let alone try and abide by it.

  • TTATTelder

    We had a sister yesterday comment during the watchtower lesson and say:

    "...and that's why we can't believe anything in the media about the organization."

    I was thnking, "Ding Ding Ding we have a winner!"

    That is precisely what the GB wanted the R&F to take away from this lesson. What other conclusion could the sheeple come to with words like:

    HOAXES, scams, and deception...

    are the opening words of the article ! (got to love them putting HOAXES in all caps)

  • LogCon


  • TTATTelder

    HOAXES, scams, and deception


    Satan the Devil is an accomplished deceiver


    increased duplicity


    Misleading statements


    outright lies


    propagate untruths


    such lies

    All from the first two paragraphs describing what they say is "sometimesfeatured in the media." (italics mine)

    Sounds like a damning to hell to me. Certainly doesn't sound like a mere warning about what may sometimes happen.

  • blondie

    We can't believe it unless they quote that non-jw in a wt publication. And then we can't be sure they quoted them accurately and were deceptive about it.

  • TTATTelder

    Yes Blondie, for sure.

    I thought the same very thing while the study was taking place.

    Where are the examples? Pretty damning accusations to have no cited references.

    They simply wanted to paint with an insanely broad brush that all stories about the borg are 'bad'.

    It's the equivalent of childish name-calling on a playground.

    They must be scared to death about what's coming.

  • Oubliette

    There is just so much hypocrisy and deception in this article! Oh the irony ...

  • RottenRiley

    Thank you Blondie for all the points you drove home on this lesson, I throughly enjoyed your logical points, do you ever miss the friends at the Kingdom Hall or is it best for somebody who desires to "new life" to break away from the Cult entirely? Your honesty with all topics JW make you a very credible journalist, thank you for being honest because all tell the truth even if other's are throwing darts at the Religion, you make a bold stand and that's cool!

    Why do I long for JW Scholars from the Past when we have you and other incredible writers here? I was reviewing the handbills "Millions Now Living Will Never Die", do those qualify as a Hoax or just "eager expectations" from zealous Witnesses?

  • SAHS

    Yesterday’s Watchtower Study (considered on Sun., Feb. 9, 2014) was pretty much as nauseating, self-serving, and hypocritical as it gets. For that reason, I chose not to attend it at all, even though my parents were there and my dad conducted it. I just couldn’t stomach being there.

    If, however, I did go, I would have liked to have given the following comment about my observations regarding the supplementary Watchtower article, “Identifying ‘the Man of Lawlessness,’ ” which was referred to in the footnote to paragraph six (WT Feb. 1, 1990, pages 10-14):

    • (¶6): “So Paul warns that Satan would raise up a lawless one, a false object of reverence, who would even put himself above God’s law.”

    • (¶8): “What all these religions have in common is that they do not hold fast to the Bible’s teachings, having violated the rule: ‘Do not go beyond the things that are written.’ ” [“Shepherd the Flock of God,” “Dwelling together in Unity,” etc.]

    • (¶9): “They have exchanged the truths of God for pagan lies, teaching such unscriptural doctrines . . . . They are like the religious leaders to whom Jesus said: ‘You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. . . . He is a liar and the father of the lie.’ ”

    • (¶10): “Under the pretext of the doctrine of ‘the divine right of kings,’ the clergy have claimed to be the essential intermediary between the rulers and God.” [WTS teaches Jesus is only intermediary of anointed, not other sheep!]

    • (¶19): “. . . each new religion or sect, with few exceptions, retained its clergy-laity division. Thus, the man of lawlessness class has been perpetuated down to this day. And it still continues to set itself up above the common people with its distinctive garb and high-sounding titles. [elder, ministerial servant, district/branch/zone overseers, Governing Body] Clearly, Paul did not exaggerate when he said that the man of lawlessness class would glorify itself and elevate itself to a godlike position.”

    • (¶22): “Is this appraisal of the clergy class too strong? We can determine this by applying the rule that Jesus gave to identify false prophets.”

    I wonder how much longer they will allow the microphone to be passed to me.

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