Doesn't the ARMAGEDDON teaching foster a MORBID view of the future?

by Black Man 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    JWS don't think of the implications associated with a world where everybody else just died except them They simply don't. All they think about is the pretty pink images in the magazines where you see a big BBQ with everybody smiling in a grassy hill surrounded by flowers with a leopard and a sheep playing together in the background. It's surreal.

    Even the job of cleaning up all of the dead bodies is somehow delegated to the wild beasts of the world, who somehow will have to eat 7 Billion dead bodies before they decompose to the point they become a health hazard.

    When this happens, who is going to run all of the systems that JWs depend on? Water, electricity, gas, etc? Who will run the power plants? Angels?

    with supermarkets now empty, where is food going to come from? I'm willing to bet that close to no JWs know enough about food growing. Is Jehoober going to make food rain from the sky?

  • Comatose

    uh hello?!?! Manna! Duh...

  • Apognophos

    And antimatter for dissolving the dead bodies! Haven't you been keeping up with your subscription?


    Where would we get food?!? Haven't you seen "Cloudy wiith a chance of meatballs?" Here is Armageddon timeline..

    #1 #3 Me, in YOUR house.

  • neverendingjourney

    This view also helps explain why JWs don't give a sh*t about doing charitable works for non JWs. They're bird feed anyway.

  • A.proclaimer

    This teaching is very morbid and repulsive. Like Redvip2000 said, JWs just think of the prize, screw everyone else since they gave out "the warning" and people didn't convert to their religion. I don't think they really put themselves in other peoples positions and realize there are other points of view than what theirs is and that's why many people don't follow them. This teaching was one of the things that got me questioning. At first I didn't really think of the everyone dying senario, just getting through and the after. It wasn't until I really thought about it that I started to see the bigger picture.

    My mom (who's realized that I'm having some doubts and not really concerned with going to meetings or the field service) threatened me with death at Armageddon twice if I didn't follow the organization and get serious with it. What really hit me was the second time when she said that I wouldn't make it. She'd have to wipe the tears off her face and bury me, but then she said she wouldn't even be able to find me under the mass amount of corpses lying around. That made really pushed it on how repulsive they can get people to think that, even of their own sons and daughters!

    I know of one elder who's told me twice that he wants to get Michael Jordan's or Kobe Bryant's mansion. He said he's praying to Jehovah to let him have that place and not to destroy it at Armageddon. The whole time I was thinking: what's wrong with this guy?? Doesn't he know what he's saying?? looking forward for someone to die so they could take their house is really messed up and sad.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I am most ashamed that I didn't keep up with and show common decency for classmates, workmates and neighbors. Because of the Armageddon teaching, it was very easy to end relationships with these people and never think about them again. It's absolutely amazing to me now that this morbid view of the future and people was so natural to me.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    C T Russell never believed it either. He taught that the world is judged during the millennial reign, not killed at Armageddon. He recognised that it would be completely contradictory and unjust for God to resurrect billions of the ignorant dead for second chance at life but destroy billions of ignorant humans at Armageddon.

  • punkofnice

    As a JDub I hoped that Jehovah(TM) would read hearts and ALL sincere people would be given a chance in paradise(TM).

    I HAD to believe that.....HAD to tell myself that to justify worshipping that vindictive and disgusting despot in the sky.

    Another thing that really freaked me out was the thing about Demons(TM).

    I now know that god is just an imaginary concept forged by man to explain things that used to be mysterious. A concept that evens out all the injustice in the world in the end.

    Now I reflect on this the whole god concept is repulsive to me. Not because I willing reject a being I know exists but because I cannot possibly 'know' he exists because there is no obvious evidence.

    The armageddon(TM) concoction is yet another WBT$ tool that causes cognitive dissonance because it is both wonderful and vile at the same time.

    How special it makes JWs feel and yet how frightened they are of not worshipping the Governing paedophile protecting Body.

  • bigmac

    i just think the whole armageddon idea really debases god. puts him on the level of a petulant child who throws its toys out of ther pram for not getting its own way.

    a loving god who slaughters the vast majority of mankind because they dont worship him in the exact way the WTS dictates.

    but--luckily for me i dont believe in god anyway--so armageddon hold no fears for me.

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