Nihilation from wikitionary ( there is wiki everything now huh?
From Latin nihilō ( “ I reduce to nothing ” )
nihilation (plural nihilations )
- The act of nihilating
This is defined isa current self help bok my husband is reading as the prime reason for suicidal tendancies, and it the consequense of emotions not developing from the teenage age, where this view of life can be common. The more detailed desctiprion of examples fit the WT/JW teachings and therefore, beliefs of this world as hopeless, filled with evil, bad people, all doing evil bad things where no others can do a thing about it. They feel life is all about suffering.
No wonder a person with this belief set feels hopless and helpless. No wonder they cling to the idea of the " spiritual ark" as the oe and on;y chance to to save them.
The damage this has done to my husband may never be reversed. For almost 10 years now he has diagnosed organic reasons to be depressed, ( known neurological consequenses of what he has) on top of his JW upbringing. Now that he had regained interest in the JW a few years back, he may be at a point of no return. He defends purely in emotional thinking, and when asked to do critical thinking he shuts down and gets angry. Deep down I understand he is afraid to really critically think about it. He knows the contridictory things I brought up in the beginning of his interest had basis in fact but chooses not to believe it. His nihilation belief is one I wish we could explore. How deep is it? I see in his past actions he really doesn' believe it fully, but if asked point blank he will likely defend it. His mind is living with duplicity, cognitive dissonence. Trying to make sense of the irrational, and damaging JW teachings. But then gives up many times and just "follows". If his emotions take over, then he is lost and fully into the JW cult.
His childhood up bringing is one with two very loving parents, though his father is stand offish in exprressing his love, he does SO MUCH for his kids. But the full JW upbringing had to have so much of a negative impact. How else does my huaband have repeated severe low self-esteem diagnois form multiple drs, anxiety now uncontrolled, and severe depression. Even with the organic component, his is overly severe and unresolved. ( He was mentally and physically abused by his over a decade long year relationship with a woman....somehow ( low self esteem) he allowed the absurd cruel treatment)
This armageddon teaching to children is abusive inmy opinion. Interestingly my husband got a JW bible stories book for children long ago and began to read stories from it but then stopped on his own because of the violent nature of the book. He was upset at it. ( so some hope there at least)