If the world was different- A world ruled by women.

by fulltimestudent 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    This 10 minute video follows a man and his problems as he attempts to deal with women in authority, much as a woman may experience in our own society.

    Maybe not a real stretch for the imagination. There have been some matriachal soceities in history.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Men have f*ked up the world. The history of untold suffering and wars and misery is all down to stupid, bully-boy, maniacal, war-mongering machismo male leaders. World history wouldn't nearly have been as bloody and cruel if women had ruled. Unless it was Maggie Thatcher.

  • hamsterbait

    Women: Kuche, kinder, kirche. (kitchen children church)

    It is actually women who pass on the fairy stories and crap to male children from birth. When a woman tries to break free it is usually the other women in the community who try to stop her.

    Women already demand special treatment be provided for them to get on in the world. If women actually ruled the world, it would only be because men are busily providing them with creches contraceptives and special laws and provisions to enable this.

    look at countries where building the home is left to women: they still live in mud huts.

    If it werent for MEN women would still be washing their clothes on stones in the river....

    I can well imagine WWII being fought by women, pulling each others hair and slapping wildly in the air - that wd certainly have stopped Hitler - the DARLING of germanic womanhood, the Valkyrie.

    Imagine peace conferences where the politicians are in tears shouting at each other because they all have PMT. "Things have to be done MY way, dont ask why - they just DO!!"

    "If YOU cant work out why this issue should be sorted MY way, I dont see why I should have to tell you."


    Yin-Yang. That is all.


  • sir82

    Son, you have issues......

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    World history wouldn't nearly have been as bloody and cruel if women had ruled.


    read a little history. Matriarchal societies have been just as brutal as ones dominated by men. Sometimes more so....


    You ever see women fighting for position when the doors open at an "80% Off Sale"? That's brutality, my friend.


  • fulltimestudent


    Matriarchal societies have been just as brutal as ones dominated by men.

    Interestingly, the classical Greeks portrayed one of the forces of barbarism, as the (mythical?) tribe of Amazons - fierce female warriors.

    Here's one of their mythical queens

    who is portrayed in the Aeneid as fighting against the Greek hero Achilles.

    Furious Penthesilea leads a battleline of Amazons

    with crescent shields, and she

    glows in the middle of thousands fastening

    golden belts around the exposed breast,

    female warrior, and the maiden dares to run

    with men.

    Achilles slays her,

    File:Akhilleus Penthesileia Staatliche Antikensammlungen 2688.jpg

    Wikipedia: Achilles killing Penthesilea. Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix, 470–460 BC. From Vulci.

    but is defeated in turn, by the dead but still beautiful Penthesilea as he falls in love with her and regrets killing her. Thus reminding us of the problematic relationship that often exists between women and men.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    read a little history. Matriarchal societies have been just as brutal as ones dominated by men. Sometimes more so....

    What utter balderdash. Exactly what history and "matriarchal societies" are you referring to?

  • Pronger1


    Just some of the tyrant women rulers..

    Ranavalona I

    Catherine the Great

    Queen Mary "Bloody Mary"

  • Pronger1

    Indira Ghandi

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Isabella of Spain

    Open a history book and you will see women at the forefront of wars and other atrocities such as the Spanish Inquisition.

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