The Judicial Committee videos in english

by confusedandalone 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    If it wasn't such a series subject it would be laughable. I went through the same BS 20 years ago. The elders did not care if I was suicidal or not but that the congregation is kept clean away from an evil person such as myself. Makes me wonder how many have commited suicide on this bad advice?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    "Where is all this leading?"

    Just come out and ask him if they screwed during the following two months Brother creepy.

  • baldeagle

    I faded almost five years ago. Some brothers who still talk to me are active elders. Two I know completed their five day elder’s school. One had to book off vacation time from work and the other took time off from his own business. This is what I’m missing. How sad!! It’s truly pathetic to see, how low the quality and love in this religion has become.

    Depression is very high. This depression is being caused by many situations not even involving the death of a family member. One of my elder friends who still converses with me said that many elders are having a hard time putting on their “game face.” They too are feeling that the “end” is not as near as expected. Many elders’ wives are displaying signs of wear and tear showing less enthusiasm at the meetings than ever before.

    There appears to be a general feeling of malaise and discontentment in the congregations that has become very hard to reverse. The recent WT articles dealing with “having regrets” and dwelling on past decisions we made etc, is a reflection of the mood in the congregations. Yes even those that were typical go-getters and optimistic are feeling down!

  • Watchtower-Free

    Leaked Elder Videos - How elders treat 'sinners' and suicidal people

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Watched the Sister Suicide video with my wife this morning. She almost fell over when the elder told her to supress her negative thoughts/emotions just like you supress an immoral thought.

    I reminded my wife this is part of the "education" program the society provides it's members that is soooooo superior than college education. She wanted to barf.

    Yeah, "integrity keeper". . .WTF?!?!


  • Watchtower-Free

    In my opinion. The term "integrity keeper" is cult code word
    for don't embarrass the Watchtower corporation or make them legally vulnerable.

    These tragic and dangerous videos effect millions worldwide

  • lisaBObeesa


    The first thing I noticed is that the elders are robots. No human caring, hugs, no 'I love you, brother,' nothing.

    Presented with a human being in emotional crisis less than a foot away, their response is robotic repetition of JW buzz words and phrases. Period.

    *The most important thing I learned from these videos is that a person in a judicial committee is presumed guilty of being unrepentant.

    The burden is on the accused to prove to the elders beyond a reasonable doubt that they are repentant, repentant enough, and repentant for the correct thing.

    any doubt at all = the elders must find the person unrepentant and DF them.

    * What is up with the little 'kindnesses' the elders offer? "You may turn the light on in the other room if that makes you more comfortable." WTF? Well thank you so much! It's like the creators of the video felt they had to put some sort of kind gesture in the videos, and THAT was the best they could come up with. Seriously? That is the best they could do?

    * Someone tells you they are so sad and in so much pain that they want to die, so you tell them they should not feel so sad and leave them in a dark room alone. WTF?

    Again, no 'I love you', 'we love you', 'we are there for you'. No getting someone to sit with her, to listen to her. nothing. just a dark room, alone. And some guilt ('You shouldn't be so sad')

    * Later, the sad sister tells a pair of elders that she has a 'devastating hollow void inside' and that she is thinking of killing herself.

    In response, the elder smiles (WTF?) and thanks her for feeling comfortable enough to tell him this.

    WTF? What is she supposed to say? 'You're welcome'? Did she do them some kind of favor?

    Next, the elder's advice for dealing with devistating suicidal depression is to be a good JW (be an 'integrity keeper')...that is it. It is like they are more worried they might lose a JW member more than they are worried she might lose her life.

    Stuff the depression and focus on being a JW! That is the answer!

    Then they say to treat your sad, suicidal thoughts as if they are immoral thoughts! Great idea, add a big giant pile of guilt on top of those suicidal thoughts! Now you are not just suicidal, now you are also IMMORAL

    No mention of seeing professional. Those arrogant smiling men think they think they saved this sister's life, as you can see they smile and thank Jehovah at the end of the video. Yet they didn't even ASK her what she really thinks about anything they said and have no idea about her true feelings at the moment. If she still feels suicidal, that would be immoral, so she can't really tell them anything but what they want to hear.

    It is completely unsafe for her to share with them anything other than possitive reaction to their 'help' and she will probably not speak with them again and they will count that as some kind of success...if of course, she survives. If she kills herself that will be on her, of course, for not being an 'integrity keeper' even in that event the elders can still sleep soundly knowing they have done all they could.

    Dumbasses. Dangerous, irresponsible, dumbasses.

    They have blood on their cold, robotic hands.

  • Oubliette

    BOC: Watched the Sister Suicide video with my wife this morning. She almost fell over when the elder told her to supress her negative thoughts/emotions just like you supress an immoral thought.

    Exactly. Suggesting to an already depressed, emotionally fragile person that those emotions are like immoral thoughts just might push them over the edge.

    This is a very dangerous video.

    I wonder if the WTBTS could be prosecuted for attempting to practice psychotherapy without a license ...

  • lisaBObeesa

    Oh and I almost forgot to vent about this awesome piece of Jehovah's Witness advice:

    Get somebody pregant? Break up with them as soon as possible!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The first thing I noticed is that the elders are robots.

    Yes!!!! With no further editing this thing could be an SNL skit. The one elder reminded me of a Dan Ackroyd/Will Ferrel type with his awkwardly robotic mannerism. Stepford brothers.

    It would be hilarious if it wasn't horrifying.

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